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Life in Christ

As Lent winds down, we are all looking forward to Easter. How can we best use this time that leads to Holy Week and the joy of Christ’s Resurrection?

First, let’s use our prayer time to focus on the God within us – Christ within us. We believe in God in the Eucharist, in the Bible, in church. Can we really allow ourselves to believe in God within us? Practice the presence of Christ within all through the day. Repeat this prayer all through the day: “I love you, Christ within me.”

Second, let’s fast from negative thoughts. Let’s let go of self criticism and self judgments. It’s so easy to beat ourselves up in our mind with thoughts of “I should have done this,” “I should have done that,” “I’m a sinner” or “I’m no good.”

Let’s be aware of thinking such thoughts and let them go as soon as possible. And let’s be aware of our critical thoughts of others, and let them go. It does no good to carry such negative energies within us. It does no good to carry those negative energies into the world.

Third, and finally, let’s love ourselves and others as we go through the day. Just as minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour, we drop negative judgment, let’s minute-by-minute, hour-by-hour give love and approval to ourselves.

“I give myself love.”

“I give myself approval.”

You don’t have to say it out loud. Just speak the words quietly within your own heart and mind.

To sum it up, let’s rediscover that you and I can bring the presence of God in human form. And, like Jesus, we don’t have to look for approval, control or safety outside ourselves. They are within us.

If we can do those things these next few weeks, then we will fulfill St. Paul’s words – we will come to life in Christ.

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