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Why did the colleague cross the road?

It was sunny and cold. Somehow it felt even colder because of the graying snow lining the curbs.

I was leaving work, and I had just texted my son to let him know I was on my way.

Just getting out of my parking spot into the flow of traffic was a challenge, with a steady stream of cars.

Then, as I was moving forward, I saw someone trying to cross the street. I felt for her because I know how hard it is to cross that road. All the drivers were in a hurry, as I was, to get to the next part of their day and evening.

I watched as she tried to catch the attention of the driver in front of me, but the car just kept moving, and the pedestrian went back to the sidewalk to wait in the frigid cold.

I was slowing down to see if I could let her cross in front of me when I realized I knew her! It was Madi! We work on the same team. I didn’t want to try to get her attention because that seemed disruptive and rude. But I waited a minute, and she spotted me.

Madi waved and her whole face lit up—not just to see me, but to see someone who would help her cross the street. And I did! Luckily, the traffic going the other way slowed down, and she was able to cross safely to the other side to get in her car and go home.

I was so happy. Doing something for someone else always brings pleasure, but finding yourself in the right spot to do that for a friend felt like a special gift.

Driving away, I thought about how fortunate I was to be right there at that moment, to be able to do something so small and so simple.

So many times during the day God must do that for us—stopping the traffic for us to slip safely across the street, sending a ray of sunshine to melt the snow on our driveway, or making sure a friend—or just a thoughtful stranger—is right where we need them to be. Even when we don’t see a way across, God sees us and loves us and stands beside us, waiting with us for the door to open, for the morning to dawn, and for the traffic to slow.

I hope you will feel God’s presence with you today and that you will know his mercy and love.

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