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Catholic Review wins 53 awards for 2023 work, captures top prizes from MDDC again

This layout was part of a portfolio that helped make Gabriella Ferraro O’Brien designer of the year for the Catholic Media Association. (CR file)

Catholic Review Media received 53 awards from various press associations for work published in 2023, including top honors from the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association as News Organization of the Year for the sixth year in a row.

The MDDC awarded the Catholic Review 26 awards, including one Best of Show honor each for Kevin J. Parks’ photography and Gabriella O’Brien’s design. CatholicReview.org garnered first place for Website General Excellence and staff received several other first-place honors. The MDDC awards were presented May 3 in Annapolis.

The Catholic Media Association recognized Catholic Review Media with 21 awards, including top individual honors for: Editor of the Year, first place for George Matysek Jr., managing editor; Graphic Artist/Designer of the Year, first place for O’Brien; and Podcaster of the Year, first place for Matysek and second place for Christopher Gunty, associate publisher/editor. The CMA awards were announced June 21 in Atlanta.

George Matysek Jr. was named editor of the year by the Catholic Media Association in part for his sensitive coverage of abuse survivors such as Elizabeth Ann Murphy, pictured above. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)

The Associated Church Press, comprised of a number of Christian and Catholic publishers, honored Catholic Review Media with six awards, which were presented May 17 in Chicago.

The Catholic Review’s coverage of clergy sexual abuse of minors factored into recognition from all three contests. The year included the release of the Maryland Attorney General’s report on an investigation of 80 years of clergy abuse within the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and the filing for bankruptcy by the archdiocese in order to continue its ministries while providing equitable compensation to as many victim-survivors as possible.

The MDDC gave Matysek’s interview with two clergy abuse victim-survivors first place in Religion Reporting. The same story received third place for Best Feature Article in Diocesan Magazines from the CMA. The ACP recognized stories on the topic throughout the year with an honorable mention in In-Depth Coverage by a Magazine or Newsletter. The topic was also covered in podcasts by Matysek and Gunty, and in content not in print that received honors.

This photo by Kevin J. Parks was awarded was named best feature photo and best in show by the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association. The journalism association also named the accompanying story by George Matysek Jr. best feature story. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)

Stories by freelance correspondent Kyle Taylor and Gunty won first place for Best Coverage of Racial Inequities.

“We are pleased that the hard work of our staff and correspondents has been acknowledged by three different professional journalism organizations,” Gunty said. “We strive each day, each week and each month to provide news that is important to our readers in the print magazine, online, in our enewsletter and on the radio. That’s the root of our tagline, ‘Real Life, Real Faith,’ because we want to connect what’s happening in the archdiocese and in the world to our Catholic faith.”

A list of awards follows. Judges’ comments are listed, if available.

Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association – 26 awards

First Place

This chart by Gabriella Ferraro O’Brien was awarded first place by the Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association for best new-driven infographics. (CR file)

Second Place

Associated Church Press – six awards

The ACP gives three awards: Award of Excellence, equivalent to first place; Award of Merit, equivalent to second place; and Honorable Mention, equivalent to third place.

Award of Merit

Honorable Mention

Catholic Media Association – 21 awards

The CMA awards first-, second- and third-place certificates and, sometimes, honorable mentions.

First Place

Stories by Kyle Taylor and Christopher Gunty, including one on the preservation of a cemetery where enslaved people are buried, was awarded first place by the Catholic Media Association for best coverage of racial inequalities. (Kevin J. Parks/CR Staff)

Second Place

The Catholic Media Association gave first place for podcaster of the year to George Matysek Jr. (left). Second place went to Christopher Gunty (right). (CR file)

Third Place

This design by Gabriella Ferraro O’Brien won third place from the Catholic Media Association for best use of typography.

Honorable Mention

Also see

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