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How to defeat the liturgy of the wandering mind

If you are anything like me, you likely get distracted during Mass. As a lifelong Catholic raised in a family where one missed Mass only due to illness, I know the liturgy so well I could probably list most of the saints in the Roman Canon, and not just the apostles: “Linus, Cletus, Clement, Cyprian, Lawrence… .” You get the point.

And yet — perhaps precisely because I can quote so many prayers of the Mass — I often zone out and go on autopilot. Instead of focusing on the sacred mystery before me, my brain starts listing all the items I need from the grocery store, or recipes I want to try. My mind is restless, even at the most crucial moment of my week.

And I know I’m not alone.

At a recent get-together with some Mass-nerdy friends who love to talk liturgy, one of them opened the floor for conversation with this question: How do you pray the Mass?

Good question, right? Our conversation covered many perspectives, but I wanted to summarize and share the group’s helpful thoughts, which can be broken down into two parts:

Before Mass starts:

During the Mass:

This is just a starting list, one that I myself need to take to heart. But with the Eucharistic revival in our midst, it’s important for Catholics to examine how we approach the altar of the Lord. Are we showing up just as a routine or with intentionality?

Thankfully, God takes our imperfect worship and is grateful for whatever we offer, but what he wants above all else is a heart focused on him. Why wouldn’t we want to try?

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