The root problem here is a self-centered notion of freedom that “frees” individuals from respecting others, if such respect would get in the way of their own pleasure.
A More Human Society
No greater love
In a moving commentary, the father of a fallen soldier says his son’s death was not the random victim of some meaningless accident. He deliberately risked his life to protect others. He was a hero.
Discerning the spirits
In our rights-oriented society, “discrimination” is the worst accusation we can bring against someone. So it is important to explain what we mean by it.
A population implosion?
Catholics worried about the rise of atheism can take a short-term and a long-term approach. Right now, we need to educate our children, evangelize and respond to attacks on the faith. As for the long term, Catholic couples, can you guess?
Who speaks for Charlie Gard?
We are morally obliged to accept treatment that offers benefit without entailing greater burdens. Catholic tradition does not teach a “vitalism” insisting that everything possible must always be done to prolong life.