Teresa of Avila, Good Pope John and … Jimmy Buffett? September 5, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Jimmy Buffett knew how to recognize when to take action and when to relax and enjoy the life he’d been given.
Aldean’s strange ‘small town’ sticks a finger into raw wounds July 25, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia Filed Under: Arts & Culture, Commentary “Try that in a Small Town” boasts lyrics about Grandad’s shotgun, handed down and waiting in readiness in case any miscreants currently shoplifting, sucker-punching and otherwise diminishing our cities show up on his turf.
‘Signs and times’: What about Sister Wilhelmina? July 1, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Commentary, Racial Justice Since the discovery of Sister Wilhelmina’s intact remains, four aspects of the story have many asking, “What is happening and what does it mean?”
Lumen Fidei’ at 10: Instructions for our confused, wandering, utilitarian age June 23, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary “Lumen Fidei” translates, of course, to “The Light of Faith,” and on this 10th anniversary of the encyclical’s release, we are reminded that light is something shared, sustaining, real and available in plenitude when sought out with a willing heart, and received with even a modicum of belief.
LGBTQ+ Catholics urged to ‘proclaim compassionate love of God’ by Outreach 2023 speakers June 20, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: News, World News With a well-attended Mass that sent people forth with a rousing rendition of Richard Smallwood’s “I Love the Lord” — served up by the choir of New York’s St. Paul the Apostle Church and soloist Paulist Father Steven Bell — the third annual Outreach gathering of LGBTQ+ Catholics came to a close after a weekend of thoughtful discussion panels held at the Lincoln Center campus of Fordham University.
‘Befriending St. Joseph’, and imagining his silent sorrows March 17, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Books, Feature, News, Saints, World News In “Befriending St. Joseph: Finding Faith, Hope and Courage in the Seven Sorrows Devotion” (Ave Maria Press, 2022), Deacon Greg Kandra was challenged to find a way to speak of — and perhaps for — this saint of silence.
Pope Francis: 10 titles for 10 years March 14, 2023By Elizabeth Scalia OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Vatican Before he was known for anything else, Pope Francis was known as “the first non-European pope in nearly 1,300 years.”