Turning points are often the result of the workings of the Holy Spirit, as was the experience for Dr. Joseph Thomas, a parishioner of Church of the Resurrection, Ellicott City, and retired specialist in allergy and clinical immunology, whose unexpected faith journey led him to bring the powerful experience of prayer through the “Unbound, Freedom in Christ” ministry to hundreds in Kerala, India.

Archbishop William E. Lori has described Unbound as “a gentle deliverance model of ministry that focuses on the individual experiences of persons … with the intent of each person experiencing the freedom and abundant life Jesus has promised.”
Thomas, raised Catholic, recalled, “Early memories of my faith life start in Kerala, in the southwest part of India.”
As a medical graduate he moved to the U.S. for postgraduate training, eventually opening an active private practice. In his 40s, he attended a retreat preached by visiting Indian Vincentians.
“This was a turning point in my life where the Holy Spirit awakened my spirit,” he said.
Following the guidance of a Vincentian priest, Thomas started a weekly prayer group, then organized annual retreats.
“This was a phase of my life where my faith grew,” he said, and he began volunteering as a lector, became an extraordinary minister of holy Communion, and with his wife, joined the Pre-Cana team to prepare couples for marriage. After some courses in theology and spirituality, Thomas served on the parish Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults team for 13 years.
Over time, his faith grew as he navigated both the blessings and struggles of life, buoyed by his faith in God.
At one point, he felt the Holy Spirit put a challenge in his heart: “You call someone Father in your daily prayer, but you do not have a father-to-son relationship with him.”
Thomas struggled with this challenge for three years, and then, by “chance,” registered for a “Freedom in Christ” conference led by Neal and Janet Lozano at St. Agnes Parish, Catonsville. The conference was based on five Gospel keys of repentance in faith, forgiveness, renunciation, authority and the Father’s blessing as discussed in Neal Lozano’s book, “Unbound, A Practical Guide to Deliverance,” which served as an introduction to the conference.
During a conference prayer session, the Father’s Blessing, Thomas recalled receiving a powerful affirmation of love and encouragement. “Then and there I was blessed and affirmed in my identity as the Father’s son. And from that moment, my life has never been the same,” he said.
Though nearing retirement, with new vigor and energy, Thomas received training in helping others discover freedom in Christ which he had experienced. He joined the archdiocesan Unbound team, followed later by his wife. “By ministering using Unbound, we clearly witness how this power can be released into every area of a person’s past and present, enabling them to lead renewed lives,” he said.
Encouraged to bring the program to India, “the Lord opened one door after another,” Thomas said. They found a translator to have Lozano’s book translated into Malayalam, the language of Kerala, and were able to accompany Lozano for a symposium on Unbound to 15 bishops, 300 priests, more than 100 religious and 200 lay leaders in Kerala.
They have also been blessed to start building core teams, train leaders and lead Unbound conferences in Kerala and Karnataka, India. Reflecting on the journey and the Unbound ministry, Thomas said, “Any Christian who finds himself or herself responding to struggles and situations in life not according to faith, hope and godly love” can be renewed by Unbound.
He expressed gratitude for all those involved in hosting the first Unbound conference in Maryland in 2010, “which started me on the great adventure of blessing.”
A fourth Archdiocese of Baltimore “Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference,” will be held at St. John the Evangelist Parish, Severna Park, Sept. 29-30, with training available on Sept. 28 for those who would like to use this model for praying.
To learn more about Unbound visit Unbound Ministry Maryland – Unbound.
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