Pope calls for an end to forcing migrants back to unsafe countries October 25, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis denounced the “inhuman violence” waged against migrants, refugees and other displaced peoples in Libya, and called for an end to sending people back to unsafe countries.
Pope to pharmacists: Do not become accessories to homicide of abortion October 18, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News All health care professionals have a right to conscientious objection, just as they have a right to denounce unjust harm inflicted on innocent and defenseless life, Pope Francis said.
Reconociendo milagro, papa abre camino a beatificación de Juan Pablo I October 14, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español El papa Francisco ha firmado un decreto reconociendo un milagro atribuido a la intercesión del papa Juan Pablo I, abriendo así el camino a su beatificación.
Recognizing miracle, pope clears way for beatification of John Paul I October 13, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Saints, Vatican, World News Pope Francis has signed a decree recognizing a miracle attributed to the intercession of Pope John Paul I, clearing the way for his beatification.
By listening to Holy Spirit, synod can be process of healing, pope says October 11, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News A synod calls on everyone to become experts in “the art of encounter” in a way that is uplifting and transformative, Pope Francis said, formally opening the process leading up to the assembly of the Synod of Bishops in 2023.
Jesus, the source of truth, sets people free, pope says at audience October 6, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News By remaining in Jesus, Christians are free because his truth transforms their lives and guides them away from the slavery of sin toward what is good, Pope Francis said.
Leaders in religion, science unite to urge action at COP26 October 5, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Environment, Feature, News, Vatican, World News The two nations co-chairing the U.N. Climate Change Conference are counting on the persuasive power and moral pull of religious leaders to help convince the world’s governments to set high standards in their commitment to mitigate climate change.
Washington cardinal ordains deacons from North American College in Rome September 30, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington ordained 21 men from the Pontifical North American College to the diaconate Sept. 30 in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Papal academy gives U.S. death row chaplain ‘Guardian of Life’ award September 29, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Death row inmates in Florida’s prisons refer to their 6-foot-by-9-foot cell as their “house,” with some having lived in their “house” for 40 years — longer than one Catholic lay chaplain said he has lived in his family home in Tallahassee.
Church needs to hear God speaking through those who are hurting, pope says September 20, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, Vatican, World News To listen to the Holy Spirit, members of the church must listen to each other and especially to those who are marginalized, Pope Francis said, explaining how dioceses are to help the church prepare for the Synod of Bishops.
Leadership is distorted by thirst for power, betraying charism, pope says September 16, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis praised Catholic lay movements and associations for living out the Gospel in their everyday lives and for promoting education, social support and evangelization in the world’s peripheries.
Vatican publishes letters to rabbis emphasizing pope’s respect for Judaism September 15, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Ecumenism and Interfaith Relations, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis has not devalued the Torah and does not question the fact that the Torah is crucial for modern Judaism, Cardinal Kurt Koch told two prominent Jewish leaders.