An unfailing treasure 60 years later: ‘Lumen Gentium’ and the universal call to holiness November 18, 2024By David Werning OSV News Filed Under: News, Vatican, World News, Worship & Sacraments The dogmatic constitution from the Second Vatican Council, entitled “Lumen Gentium,” promulgated 60 years ago on Nov. 21, 1964, sets forth the nature and mission of the church.
Explainer: What are indulgences? April 10, 2024By David Werning OSV News Filed Under: Eucharist, Feature, News, Vatican, World News, Worship & Sacraments Indulgences, however, are a way that the church “as minister of the Redemption” intervenes on behalf of a penitent by using its God-given authority to dispense all the temporal punishments of sin (a plenary indulgence), or a portion of them (a partial indulgence), by the application of the satisfaction won by Christ and the saints.