During the Holy Year 2025, the international community should strive “to overcome the logic of confrontation and embrace instead the logic of encounter,” Pope Francis told ambassadors and other diplomats accredited to the Holy See.
Jubilee 2025
Polish Three Kings Parades break records with 2 million participants in Jubilee Year
Three Kings Parades across Poland Jan. 6 broke records in the Jubilee Year as 2 million people marched down the streets of 905 cities and towns in an initiative that spread abroad from the European country with vibrant popular faith.
St. Peter’s Holy Door sees more than half million pilgrims in two weeks
More than half a million pilgrims crossed the threshold of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica in the first two weeks after Pope Francis opened it.
Being ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ in the Digital Landscape
With some determination and effort, these suggested practices can bring us a sense of hope as we journey every single day through the digital landscape.
Grow in hope, share it with others, cardinals says as he opens Holy Door
During the Holy Year 2025, Catholics are called not only to grow in the virtue of hope, but also to share it with others, said U.S. Cardinal James M. Harvey, archpriest of Rome’s Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls.
Pope preaches ‘very strong bond’ between adoration and service
During the Holy Year 2025, Christians should deepen their spiritual lives through adoration and then transform their prayer into concrete acts of service, Pope Francis said.
Destination of Holy Year pilgrimage is encounter with Jesus, pope says
When Catholics come to Rome for the Holy Year, their journey should have the specific goal of encountering and listening to Jesus, Pope Francis said.
In the Jubilee Year, feed the hungry, says Catholic charity
As the Jubilee Year picks up speed, the faithful must participate by sharing what we have with the disadvantaged, Catholic charity Mary’s Meals urged.
Mary, not technology, is world’s hope, cardinal says at Holy Door opening
Opening the Holy Door of the oldest Marian shrine in the Western world, Cardinal Rolando Makrickas prayed that the world would entrust itself to Mary, “the door to heaven.”
Hope and its enemies
As a new year begins, it’s natural to look to the future with a sense of hope. But for Catholics, the Holy Year 2025 presents a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate hope — and to examine what makes it so difficult to hold onto.
Change of heart key to Holy Year indulgence, Latin patriarch says in Nazareth
An indulgence granted during the Jubilee Year is not just an occasion to “get something” but rather is a sign of the Holy Year, of the moment where the faithful must put themselves in front of God to discover the reality of oneself and see the need for forgiveness, the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem said Dec. 29.
Radio Interview: Year-end 2024 with Archbishop Lori
As we come to the end of 2024, Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty sits down with Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori to look at the year that is ending, which included the World Synod of Bishops, lots of activity around the Seek the City to Come initiative that reshapes ministry in Baltimore City with an emphasis on evangelizing communities, the upsurge in vocations and more. Archbishop Lori also looks ahead to 2025 and the celebration of the Jubilee Year of Hope.