Dispensing birth control had been a regular part of Dr. Mary Ann Sorra’s gynecological practice for eight years. Not anymore.
Respect Life
Archbishop O’Brien sues to overturn pregnancy center law
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is suing Baltimore City to overturn a controversial new law that requires the city’s pro-life pregnancy centers to post signs saying they do not provide abortion or birth-control.
Couple celebrates birth of twin girls doctors had advised they abort
Their births made medical history as 29-year-old Stephania became the first known heart transplant recipient in the world to give birth to healthy twins.
City Council holds hearing on pregnancy center bill
Speaking on behalf of Archbishop Edwin F. O’Brien, Bishop Denis J. Madden urged the Baltimore City Council to defeat a bill that would fine pregnancy resource centers $500 a day if they fail to post signs saying they don’t offer abortion or contraceptives.
Marianist brother works to change attitudes on the death penalty
A passionate death penalty abolitionist who corresponds with a former death row inmate and who regularly carries signs protesting the death penalty in front of Baltimore’s Supermax prison, Brother Frank believes attitudes can only be changed if people recognize the dignity of every human life.
Murdered daughter’s mother says death penalty must go
When police arrested the serial rapist who brutally assaulted and murdered Shannon Schieber in 1998, the Schieber family faced unrelenting pressure to seek the death penalty.
Speaking in Rodgers Forge, Sister Helen Prejean calls for end to death penalty
Calling the death penalty nothing more than “legalized vengeance,” Sister Helen said the gift of being a Catholic is embracing the “seamless garment of life” – respecting the dignity of life from conception until natural death.
Sen. Mooney undecided on death penalty ban
Sen. Alex X. Mooney knows he’s the man of the hour in the death penalty debate.
Bishop Madden testifies against death penalty
In an unusual move that highlights the priority Maryland’s bishops have placed on abolishing the death penalty, Bishop Denis J. Madden, urban vicar, testified in person during Feb. 21 committee hearings on a bill that would replace the death penalty with life sentences without parole.
Scalia: Constitution is not a living document
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that the Constitution is not a living document and should not be rewritten each year by the unelected justices of the Supreme Court.
Faith unlocks doors for former death row inmate
Despite the strong temptation to despair, Mr. Bloodsworth said he decided he would fight to prove his innocence. He believes God sustained him through nearly nine years of taxing prison life, sending him otherworldly consolations and leading him into the Catholic Church.
Death penalty ban gains momentum in Maryland
After many years of failed attempts to repeal the death penalty in Maryland, abolitionists are closer than ever to passing a ban on capital punishment now that Gov. Martin J. O’Malley has promised to sign repeal legislation.