Go to the heart of God May 2, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Crisis in Ukraine, Wit & Wisdom Evil is real. But the power of goodness is greater. With Christ in us, and Mary with us, we dare to overcome evil with goodness and Godness.
‘With great love’ April 5, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom Vladimir Putin has chosen to inflict death. Can we use this as an incentive for us to choose life?
Measure of life: Goodness is here to stay February 26, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Wit & Wisdom Life reveals the basic goodness of people. Yes, there are cruel and ruthless dictators. There are people who resort to crime and violence. Fortunately, they are the exceptions. Most people live good and decent lives.
Do the next right thing February 8, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom Do the next right thing and chances are you’ll be doing God’s will.
Called to forgive, not condemn January 12, 2022By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Respect Life, Wit & Wisdom We pro-life people are trying to save lives. I’m not interested in condemning anyone who has had an abortion. Abortion is its own punishment.
Take back joy December 4, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom Of all the lines written and spoken about Christianity, the words of St. Athanasius always speak to me: “God became human so that humans could become God.”
Fundamentally good November 4, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom We are made in the image and likeness of God. And God came to earth in the person of Christ to remind us of who we are, and to empower us to live like God.
Modern miracle workers, part two October 7, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom You and I live in what any previous generation would call an age of miracles.
Modern miracle workers September 14, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom I suggest that we take some time in prayer to thank God for our various healing professions. I hope we will see them as expressions of God’s healing love and power.
What’s in a life? July 6, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom By the time this article appears, our friends, the cicadas, will have gone.
Back to basics June 16, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Wit & Wisdom Happiness is putting God first, and letting everything else go. I can’t say I have always done that, but I know that is the secret of happiness.
Fifty years a priest May 11, 2021By Father Joseph Breighner Filed Under: Commentary, Feature, Wit & Wisdom I invite you to celebrate this anniversary of my ordination by inviting God into the silence of your life, by reading the Scriptures and sharing in the Eucharist.