List of proposed parishes with mergers in Archdiocese of Baltimore April 14, 2024By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Seek the City to Come Editor’s Note: The following list is the original proposal for parish realignment under Seek the City to Come. To see the final version announced May 22, 2024, which differs substantially from the original proposal, click here. The Seek the City to Come proposal realigns Catholic parishes throughout Baltimore City and some nearby communities in Baltimore County. Each worship site will bring the Eucharistic vision to life anew. Pastoral leadership for each location would be determined in the future. Here is the list of the proposed sites and mergers that will be discussed at public forums April 25 at Archbishop Curley High School, 3701 Sinclair Lane, 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Zoom link to attend online); April 29, (in Spanish), Our Lady of Fatima, 6400 E. Pratt St., 7:00-9:00 p.m. (Zoom link to attend online); and April 30 at Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, 5200 N. Charles St., 6:30-8:30 p.m. (Zoom link to attend online). Basilica of the Assumption Immaculate Conception, Baltimore, parish territory added. East Baltimore Parish Seated at St. Francis Xavier with St. Ignatius territory added. Parishes merging: St. Francis Xavier St. Ann St. Wenceslaus Near East Parish Seated at St. Leo the Great. St. Patrick Hispanic ministry moves to Highlandtown Mosaic Parish. Parishes merging: St. Leo the Great St. Patrick St. Vincent de Paul Canton Parish (mosaic) Seated at St. Casimir. Parishes merging: St. Casimir St. Elizabeth of Hungary Highlandtown Parish (mosaic) Seated at Sacred Heart of Jesus with Hispanic ministry and additional worship site at Holy Rosary with Hispanic and Polish ministry.* Parishes merging: Sacred Heart of Jesus Holy Rosary Our Lady of Pompei Bayview Parish (radiating) Seated at Our Lady of Fatima with Hispanic ministry.* Parishes merging: Our Lady of Fatima Dundalk Parish (mosaic) Seated at Our Lady of Hope. Parishes merging: Our Lady of Hope Sacred Heart of Mary St. Luke St. Rita Essex Parish (mosaic) Seated at Our Lady of Mount Carmel with Hispanic ministry.* Parishes merging: Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. Clare Far Northeast Parish (radiating) Seated at Church of the Annunciation with additional worship site at St. Michael the Archangel with Hispanic ministry.* Parishes merging: Church of the Annunciation St. Michael the Archangel St. Clement Mary Hofbauer Far North Parish Seated at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Parishes merging: Immaculate Heart of Mary St. Thomas More Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Seated at the Cathedral with Filipino ministry. Parishes merging: Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Shrine of the Sacred Heart St. Pius X St. Thomas Aquinas Near Northeast Parish (radiating) Seated at St. Matthew. Parishes merging: St. Matthew Blessed Sacrament Most Precious Blood Shrine of the Little Flower St. Anthony of Padua St. Dominic St. Francis of Assisi St. Mary of the Assumption Charles North Parish (radiating) Seated at Ss. Philip and James with campus ministry at JHU/MICA. Parishes merging: Ss. Philip and James Corpus Christi Near Northwest Parish (mosaic) Seated at St. Ambrose. Parishes merging: St. Ambrose Far Northwest Parish (mosaic) Seated at New All Saints. Parishes merging: New All Saints St. Cecilia Immaculate Conception, Baltimore West Baltimore Parish (radiating/Catholic commons) Seated at St. Bernardine with additional possible worship site at Edmondson Village Shopping Center (St. Peter Claver to remain open temporarily). Parishes merging: St. Bernardine St. Peter Claver St. Edward St. Gregory the Great St. Pius V part of Transfiguration Catholic Community Southwest Baltimore Parish (mosaic) Seated at St. Agnes. Parishes merging: St. Agnes Our Lady of Victory St. Benedict St. Joseph’s Monastery St. William of York South Baltimore Parish (mosaic) Seated at Holy Cross with additional worship site at Transfiguration. Parishes merging: Holy Cross St. Mary Star of the Sea Our Lady of Good Counsel part of Transfiguration Catholic Community Curtis Bay / Cherry Hill Parish (radiating) Sited at St. Rose of Lima and additional worship site at Cherry Hill Town Center. Parishes merging: St. Rose of Lima St. Athanasius St. Veronica Personal Parishes: St. Alphonsus Liguori St. Ignatius * Also includes ministry in English Also see: Still listening: Seek the City proposal needs final feedback Read More Seek the City to Come Parishioners unite to chart course for St. Vincent de Paul, St. Leo Final polka Mass offered at Sacred Heart of Mary on 50th anniversary of Thanksgiving tradition Parishioners remember, celebrate faith communities as Seek the City parishes prepare to unite Corpus Christi embraces new mission of campus, marriage ministries Volunteers relocate Giving Garden from St. Pius X to Immaculate Heart of Mary Pastors reach out to communities as they implement Seek the City to Come pastoral plan Copyright © 2024 Catholic Review Media Print