Michael Busch obituary gave incomplete report May 31, 2019By Doug Graham Filed Under: Commentary, Letter to the Editor Dear Editor: It is tempting to be adulatory to the recently deceased, but we should not ignore the damage some lawmakers cause when sponsoring and supporting immoral legislation that has profound consequences. The Catholic Review’s online article by Emily Rosenthal (“House Speaker’s Funeral Held at Annapolis Church,” April 17) about the late-Delegate Michael Busch gave an incomplete account of his 32-year record in the Maryland House of Delegates. His votes in the House of Delegates were often in stark contrast to the Catholic faith he professed. In fact, Michael Busch was a controversial figure with a great amount of power as Speaker of the House. He repeatedly legislated in violation of Catholic belief and teaching. Not mentioned in The Catholic Review’s article were his recent vote in favor of Physician Assisted Suicide (“End of Life Option” 2019). He previously voted in favor of accommodating gender ideology, taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research, and easing restrictions on the use and possession of marijuana. The article also failed to emphasize that Busch actively sponsored same-sex “marriage” legislation (in violation of the Sixth Commandment and the Fifth Sacrament). The half-sentence Emily Rosenthal gave to Busch’s sponsorship and support of redefining marriage and enshrining abortion rights in the Maryland state constitution – both non-negotiable issues for Catholics – does not do justice to the legislative harm Busch caused. He also pushed legislation that would compel Maryland taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, should they lose federal funding. The Catholic Review has a duty to inform its readers of the unpleasant facts of Catholic legislators who violate Catholic teaching on issues that are non-negotiable, even if they are friendly to the Church on issues of lesser consequence. Doug Graham Linthicum, MD Print