Pope, cardinals concelebrate Mass for pope’s 10th anniversary March 13, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Marking the 10th anniversary of his election, Pope Francis concelebrated Mass with cardinals resident in Rome in the chapel of his residence, the Domus Sanctae Marthae.
Help those who are ‘thirsty’ for closeness, attention, Gospel, pope says March 13, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News The pope reflected on the day’s reading from the Gospel of John (4:5-42), in which Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well at midday.
Pope from ‘ends of the earth’ brings new style to Rome March 11, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Right from the start, upon his election, Pope Francis presented a whole new style of being pontiff.
El Papa que vino de los ‘confines del mundo’ trae un nuevo estilo a Roma March 11, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español Desde el principio, después de su elección, el Papa Francisco inauguró un estilo completamente nuevo de ser pontífice.
Jesus asks that no one be excluded from his table, pope says March 10, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News The Catholic Church is not selective: each one of its members is a sinner and part of the holy, faithful people of God, Pope Francis said in an interview marking his 10 years as pope.
Pope opens path for more women at Vatican, in church March 9, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News At the end of his general audience in St. Peter’s Square March 8, International Women’s Day, Pope Francis led a round of applause for women.
Helping, welcoming others creates a culture of fraternity, pope says March 9, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Taking in and welcoming others must be done without expecting anything from them in return, Pope Francis said.
Estadísticas del Vaticano muestran disminución del clero y de las religiosas en todo el mundo March 8, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español El número de católicos y diáconos permanentes en el mundo aumentó en 2021, mientras que el número de seminaristas, sacerdotes y hombres y mujeres en órdenes religiosas disminuyó, según las estadísticas del Vaticano.
Pope names new cardinals to his council of advisers March 7, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis named five new members to his international Council of Cardinals and renewed the mandate of four current members, the Vatican announced March 7.
Vatican statistics show decline in clergy, religious women, worldwide March 6, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News The number of Catholics and permanent deacons in the world rose in 2021, while the number of seminarians, priests, and men and women in religious orders declined, according to Vatican statistics.
World needs ‘brave leaders’ advocating an end to death penalty, activist says March 3, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News The world needs courageous leaders who will fight for abolishing the death penalty even when there is no clear majority against it, said a leading Catholic activist opposed to capital punishment.
No basta con pedir perdón: Las víctimas de abusos necesitan respuestas y apoyo, dice el Papa March 2, 2023By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español CIUDAD DEL VATICANO (CNS) — No basta con pedir perdón a las personas que han sufrido abusos, dijo el Papa Francisco. También hay que ofrecerles “acciones concretas para reparar los horrores que han sufrido y prevenir que no se repitan”, así como la verdad, la transparencia, espacios seguros, apoyo psicológico y protección, dijo el Papa […]