El arzobispo Lori dice que la Iglesia seguirá sirviendo a los migrantes y escuchando a la gente November 22, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: En Español El arzobispo William E. Lori dijo el 13 de noviembre que la Iglesia seguirá sirviendo a los migrantes e inmigrantes “como si sirviéramos a Cristo mismo”.
Archbishop Lori says church will continue to minister to migrants, listen to the people November 13, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Bishops, Feature, Local News, News, U.S. Bishops Meeting - Fall 2024 Archbishop William E. Lori said Nov. 13 that the church will continue to minister to migrants and immigrants “as if we were ministering to Christ himself.”
Los obispos de EEUU oran en Baltimore por sabiduría ‘para ayudar a los que están confiados a nuestro cuidado’ November 12, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: En Español Cuando los obispos de Estados Unidos comenzaron su asamblea general de otoño el 11 de noviembre, el arzobispo Timothy P. Broglio instó a sus hermanos obispos a rezar para tener sabiduría.
Bishops urged to beg for wisdom as USCCB meeting begins in Baltimore November 11, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Bishops, Feature, Local News, News, U.S. Bishops Meeting - Fall 2024 As the U.S. bishops began their fall general assembly Nov. 11, Archbishop Timothy P. Broglio urged his brother bishops to beg for wisdom.
Mercy Health celebrates 150 years of service to Baltimore November 11, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Health Care, Local News, News, Radio Interview Those “founding stories” are not lost on those who work at Mercy Health Services in various locations with more than 4,800 employees and 500 physicians.
Frederick parish opens first cremation-only cemetery in archdiocese November 7, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News A cremation-only cemetery at St. Katharine Drexel Parish in Frederick is the first of its kind in the area, according to Nathan Nardi, director of cemetery operations for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Bishops mark Maryland Emancipation Day, affirm dignity of all October 31, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Feature, Local News, Maryland Catholic Conference, News, Racial Justice The Catholic bishops of Maryland commemorated the 160th anniversary of Maryland Emancipation Day, affirming the dignity of every human person and noting that slavery was dehumanizing, reducing human beings to mere property.
Baltimore County cemetery offers green burials October 31, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News Natural burial – or green burial, as it is sometimes called – is done without embalming, and uses either a biodegradable shroud only, made of cotton, linen, hemp, wool or other natural fibers, or a shroud and a biodegradable casket, made of bamboo or soft woods such as pine or bark.
Archbishop Lori returns from second visit to Ukraine October 25, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News, War in Ukraine On his second visit to war-torn Ukraine, Archbishop William E. Lori was able to visit not only Lviv, but also the capital city of Kyiv, which has seen intense fighting since Russia invaded the country in February 2022.
5 Things to Know about Maryland Question 1 October 10, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: 2024 Election, Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life The Maryland Catholic Conference, which represents the state’s Catholic bishops in Annapolis, is joining other local Catholic leaders in urging Marylanders to vote no on Question 1 – “The Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment.”
La arquidiócesis emite decretos sobre algunas parroquias fusionadas en el proceso de Busquemos la Ciudad Venidera October 9, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: En Español El 29 de septiembre la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore emitió decretos para algunas de las iglesias que se verán afectadas por el proceso de planificación de Busquemos la Ciudad Venidera.
Archdiocese issues decrees regarding some merged parishes in Seek the City process September 29, 2024By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Seek the City to Come The Archdiocese of Baltimore issued decrees Sept. 29 for some of the churches that will be affected by the Seek the City to Come planning process.