Laudato Si’ 2.0: Pope announces new document ahead of ‘Season of Creation’ August 25, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Environment, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Ahead of the ecumenical celebrations of the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation Sept. 1 and the monthlong “Season of Creation,” Pope Francis said he is writing a follow-up document to his 2015 encyclical on the environment.
Adoration awakens love for the poor, commitment to justice, pope says August 25, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News – In the eyes of the world it would appear “absurd” to begin helping the poor and struggling for justice by spending time in adoration before the Eucharist, Pope Francis said, but that is precisely what an Italy-based religious order has been doing for 100 years.
Cardinal Burke sees ‘grave harm’ coming from synod process August 24, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Synodality, World News The synod process underway around the world and at the Vatican is inflicting “evident and grave harm” on the Catholic Church, retired U.S. Cardinal Raymond L. Burke wrote in a letter published as the foreword to a book.
Pope asks renewed prayers for Ukraine on eve of its Independence Day August 24, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, War in Ukraine, World News Acknowledging Ukraine’s celebration of Independence Day Aug. 24, Pope Francis pleaded with thousands of visitors at his weekly general audience to keep praying for peace in the country.
Papa Francisco: Guadalupe nos muestra cómo compartir la fe con sencillez y respeto August 23, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y otras apariciones marianas reconocidas muestran claramente cómo la evangelización no requiere planes complicados y explicaciones teológicas elaboradas, sino compartir la fe en “un lenguaje apropiado para todos, comprensible, como el de Jesús”, dijo el Papa Francisco.
Guadalupe shows how faith is shared simply, with respect, pope says August 23, 2023By Cindy Wooden OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Our Lady of Guadalupe and other recognized Marian apparitions show clearly how evangelization does not require complicated plans and elaborate theological explanations but sharing the faith in “a language suitable for all, a language that is comprehensible, like that of Jesus,” Pope Francis said.
Pope: Dorothy Day’s life shows evangelizing power of charity, witness, love August 23, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Books, Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Dorothy Day was “a great witness to faith, hope and charity in the 20th century,” a woman who loved the Catholic Church despite the flaws of its members and who knew that serving God meant serving the poor and working for justice, Pope Francis wrote.
Pope tells lawyers he’s writing a new document on the environment August 21, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Environment, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Thanking a group of European lawyers for their attention to environmental protection laws, Pope Francis said he was preparing another document on the subject.
‘Rigidity is bad, but firmness is good,’ pope says at Angelus August 21, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Christians must stand firm in their faith but that is not the same as being rigid and unwilling to bend out of compassion for another, Pope Francis said.
Opus Dei accepts changes pope made to canon law, prelate says August 11, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News The prelate of Opus Dei said members “accept with sincere filial obedience” the slight modifications Pope Francis made to the section of the Code of Canon Law dealing with personal prelatures.
Vatican confirms pope sent envoy to India to resolve liturgical dispute August 10, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News, Worship & Sacraments As controversy and deep division continued in an Indian archdiocese over the direction the priest faces during the celebration of the liturgy, the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis named Slovak Archbishop Cyril Vasil of Košice as his pontifical delegate to help resolve the dispute.
Peregrinos de la JMJ demostraron al mundo que la fe puede conducir a la paz, dice el Papa August 9, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: En Español En un mundo que sufre “enfermedades del alma”, como el orgullo, el odio y la violencia, los jóvenes que viajaron a Portugal para la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud demostraron que es posible otra forma de vivir e interactuar, dijo el Papa Francisco.