Gospel call to conversion lasts a lifetime, pope tells Curia officials December 22, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Every Christian and every Christian community is called to conversion, a process that lasts a lifetime and is needed even more by people who think they are firmly on the path to holiness, Pope Francis told officials of the Roman Curia.
A modern tradition: Papal letters of resignation in case of impairment December 20, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis’ revelation that he had signed a letter of resignation in case he became too ill or infirm to continue as pope made headlines around the world.
Pope champions role of labor unions December 19, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, Vatican, World News Protecting the dignity of workers and promoting dignified jobs are the essential roles of a labor union, Pope Francis said when he met members of Italy’s largest union.
Pope reveals he prepared resignation letter in case of impairment December 19, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis said he wrote a resignation letter in 2013, his first year in office, to be used in case he became physically or mentally impaired and unable to fulfill the duties of the papacy.
Papal message for World Peace Day: War, hunger, turmoil are connected December 18, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News The interconnected “moral, social, political and economic crises” facing the world cannot be solved if individuals and nations continue to focus only on their own, immediate interests, Pope Francis said in his message for World Peace Day 2023.
Russia says Vatican apologized for pope’s remarks about minority fighters December 15, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: News, Vatican, War in Ukraine, World News The Vatican has had diplomatic contact with Russia regarding comments Pope Francis made about Russian minorities being responsible for the worst acts of cruelty in the country’s war on Ukraine.
The devil is sneaky, so Christians must be watchful, pope says December 14, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Vigilance is an essential part of the spiritual life because the devil will try to sneak in when one is not paying attention or, especially, when a Christian thinks he or she is making a lot of progress on the road to holiness, Pope Francis said.
Cardinal Ouellet announces lawsuit against woman who claimed assault December 13, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, News, World News Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet announced he is filing a defamation lawsuit in Quebec against a woman who accused him of sexual assault.
Church needs new look at role of men, women in church, theologian says December 13, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Recent popes have used the concept of a “Petrine principle” and a “Marian principle” to describe the important role women and men together play in the Catholic Church, but a biblical scholar writing in the Vatican newspaper said it is time to talk about the discriminatory and stereotypical notions behind it.
Pope is asking governments to grant clemency to prisoners at Christmas December 12, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Christmas, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Pope Francis is writing to all the heads of state around the world, asking them to consider granting some prisoners clemency at Christmas.
Pope asks seminarians to be joyful, but realistic December 12, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, Vocations, World News Preparing for the priesthood, seminarians must remember both the joy of being called by God and the real sacrifices they will be called to make, Pope Francis told young men preparing for the priesthood at the seminary of Barcelona, Spain.
Doubt can be a step toward deeper faith, pope says December 12, 2022By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Vatican, World News Even the most fervent believers go through moments of doubt and questioning about God, and it is a good thing, Pope Francis said, because it helps one see that God does not fit into the little box people make for him.