Total immersion January 25, 2025By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Catholic Christianity isn’t an extracurricular, or even a program of instruction. Nor is it merely a way to live our lives. Following Christ is life, and it comes with a language and culture all its own.
Hope and its enemies January 2, 2025By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Jubilee 2025 As a new year begins, it’s natural to look to the future with a sense of hope. But for Catholics, the Holy Year 2025 presents a unique opportunity to explore and cultivate hope — and to examine what makes it so difficult to hold onto.
Opening up bricked-in doors December 20, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe Filed Under: Commentary, Jubilee 2025 Splendor and reverence are largely absent from our daily lives, and mostly abandoned by the dominant secular culture that casualizes almost everything.
Advent: We see what we’re looking for December 9, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Advent, Commentary During Advent, the church encourages us to renew our search for God and teaches us how and where to look for him.
A faith that questions November 18, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Bible, Commentary Salvation history can be told through the questions that appear in Scripture.
Master of all the saints November 5, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints Saints are satisfied only by God himself; nothing less than God or other than him will do. And for those who are holy, God alone is enough. Nothing else is wanted, needed, or required.
Hail Mary: ‘Now, and at the hour of our death’ October 15, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary The “Hail Mary” reminds us that life is short. By asking the Blessed Virgin Mary to pray for us not only now but when we will need her intercession most, we prayerfully place the rest of our earthly lives in her maternal hands.
The battles we fight October 7, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary It’s wise to acknowledge that not every fight can be won; that we may not have the resources to sustain a war on many fronts; that victory sometimes costs us more than we can afford
We cannot follow Jesus and sidestep the cross September 19, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary The road of discipleship is the way of the cross. Embracing it is the secret path to holiness — and there is no other.
Missionary Disciples Pray: St. Joan of Arc September 1, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints Our missions and apostolates suffer because we too often pray in a perfunctory way.
Christ on river, Christ down street August 20, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Eucharist I’ll give the big events all I’ve got, but focus more of my attention on the daily opportunities God gives me to both see Christ living and active in my life and be Christ to the people I encounter where he has placed me.
All things French August 1, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Olympics As Catholics, we should stand with our bishops and those around the world when they speak out against the open ridicule of our faith and the blasphemies of our times.