Vatican publishes partial list of papal liturgical events during Lent February 12, 2025By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Lent, News, Vatican, World News The Vatican released a partial schedule of Pope Francis’ liturgical celebrations in March and early April, including a group Lenten retreat for the pope and top members of the Curia for the first time in five years.
Papal preacher: The Lord’s power is his love, rejection of revenge March 29, 2024By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News God’s power is the power of his humble, defenseless love, the papal preacher told Pope Francis and thousands of people gathered for the Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion.
Tears flow as pope washes feet of women inmates at Rome prison March 29, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News The pope celebrated the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper March 28 at the women’s prison under a tent set up outside.
Let’s celebrate Easter for a while March 29, 2024By Greg Erlandson OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter, Lent Express gratitude for the blessing that this, the greatest feast in the church calendar, truly is.
Pope says carrying the cross, Jesus asks, ‘Do you love me?’ March 28, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News As a statue of Jesus bearing his cross is carried through the streets of Sonsonate, El Salvador, on Good Friday, Pope Francis asked Catholics to respond to Jesus’ love with contemplation and a renewal of their love for God and for their needy neighbors.
Let ‘tears of repentance’ flow, pope tells priests at chrism Mass March 28, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News Presiding over the chrism Mass March 28 in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis ended his lengthy homily by thanking the priests present and, by extension, those around the world.
Pope preaches patience, even amid war, during Holy Week audience March 27, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News Contemplating Christ’s passion should inspire Christians to be more patient in the face of their own suffering and trials, Pope Francis said.
Pope writes meditations for Via Crucis at Colosseum, Vatican says March 27, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, World News For the first time in his 11-year papacy, Pope Francis has chosen to write his own meditations for the Good Friday Way of the Cross service at Rome’s Colosseum, the head of the Vatican press office said.
U.S. bishops ask faithful to pray during Holy Week for end to Israel-Hamas war March 25, 2024By OSV News OSV News Filed Under: Bishops, Conflict in the Middle East, Feature, Lent, News, World News The president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and the chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on International Justice and Peace called upon the faithful to renew prayers during Holy Week for an end to the Israel-Hamas war.
Discernment is essential to discipleship, papal preacher says March 22, 2024By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Lent, News, Vatican, Vocations, World News The Holy Spirit is like a line prompter at a theater, behind the scenes and constantly whispering to Christians the words of Jesus, said the preacher of the papal household.
Lenten lessons: Practices to keep all year March 21, 2024By Jaymie Stuart Wolfe OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Lent . Lent is intended to be a season for intensifying the disciplines of our faith — not the only time when we practice them!
Five Things to Know about Archdiocese of Baltimore’s annual Chrism Mass March 20, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Lent, Local News, News, Vocations, Worship & Sacraments The Archdiocese of Baltimore’s 2024 Chrism Mass will be held Monday, March 25, 7:30 p.m., at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen, 5200 N. Charles St., Baltimore, MD 21210.