Parishioners unite to chart course for St. Vincent de Paul, St. Leo February 4, 2025By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Seek the City to Come Parishioners from St. Leo and St. Vincent de Paul met for nearly three hours for Mass, fellowship and discussion at St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Roland Park as the parishes work toward a merger as part of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s Seek the City to Come initiative.
Knott Scholarship Funds expands to Western Maryland, increasing scholarship footprint January 16, 2025By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools Recognizing the great lengths parents go to give their children a Catholic education, Knott Scholarship Funds is expanding its geographical footprint.
John Carroll School closed for day after students sickened December 10, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools The John Carroll School in Bel Air was closed to students Dec. 10 after an incident the day before that resulted in 18 students being transported to local hospitals after feeling ill at a school Mass.
Jesuit Father McAndrews recalled as ‘brilliant’ educator at Loyola Blakefield December 7, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries, Schools Father McAndrews, who died Nov. 23 at age 96, is largely credited with putting the all-boys school on a path during his presidency (1979-98) to where it now is honored routinely as one of the best private educational institutions in Maryland.
Seasonal musical feast prepared for Catholics in Archdiocese of Baltimore December 2, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Advent, Arts & Culture, Christmas, Feature, Local News, News Musicians and musical directors have prepared a wide array of performances to treat worshipers during the Catholic calendar’s most joyous time of the year.
5 Things to Know about Turkey Bowl November 21, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools, Sports Here are five things to know ahead of the traditional Thanksgiving Day football clash between Baltimore-area Catholic schools Calvert Hall Cardinals and Loyola Blakefield Dons
NDP student tackles expansive role as manager for Loyola Blakefield football team November 18, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools, Sports Campbell Diffendall, an 18-year-old senior at the all-girls Notre Dame Preparatory School in Towson, is serving as a manager for the varsity football team at Loyola Blakefield.
La colecta del CCHD es vital para las organizaciones locales de lucha contra la pobreza November 5, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: En Español Debido a un contratiempo en el proceso de financiación nacional, la presidenta del comité de la CCHD de Baltimore dijo que la colecta del 16-17 de noviembre en las parroquias de toda la Arquidiócesis de Baltimore es una fuente de financiación vital para el capítulo local de la Campaña Católica para el Desarrollo Humano.
Miembro de la facultad del Seminario Santa María nombrado coadjutor y futuro obispo de Oslo, Noruega November 4, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: En Español El sulpiciano monseñor Fredrik Hansen, que también es profesor adjunto de Estudios Pastorales en el Seminario de Santa María, dijo que está emocionado de volver a casa y que su tiempo en Baltimore le ha servido de mucho.
St. Mary’s Seminary faculty member named coadjutor, future bishop of Oslo, Norway November 1, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Bishops, Colleges, Feature, Local News, News Sulpician Monsignor Fredrik Hansen, who also serves as assistant professor of pastoral studies at St. Mary’s Seminary, said he’s excited to return home and that his time in Baltimore has served him well.
CCHD collection vital for local anti-poverty organizations October 31, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Giving, Local News, News, Social Justice The Baltimore CCHD committee chairperson said the Nov. 16-17 collection in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Baltimore is a vital funding source for the local Catholic Campaign for Human Development chapter.
Changes at St. Dominic hit close to home October 24, 2024By Gerry Jackson Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Seek the City to Come As the Archdiocese of Baltimore gets ready to merge parishes and eventually shutter some sites throughout Baltimore City, one change hits close to home.