Our Lady of Pompei has 100-year history of serving immigrant communities June 7, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Parish Anniversary 2024 During a special June 2 Mass commemorating the 100th anniversary of the first Mass inside the completed church, Archbishop William E. Lori highlighted the faith community’s long history of welcoming others and its commitment to the Eucharist.
Welcoming spirit marks Our Lady of Grace’s 50-year history June 6, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Parish Anniversary 2024 No one at Our Lady of Grace in Parkton, when asked about their parish’s special character, uses the phrase “radical hospitality.” But it’s what they aggressively practice through social activities. They’re designed as different ways to encourage visitors to join.
Former Annapolis and Baltimore pastor Father Thomas Siconolfi dies at 80 May 23, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries Redemptorist Father Thomas Joseph Siconolfi, who died May 12 at age 80, was a former pastor of St. Mary’s Parish in Annapolis, one of the largest in the Archdiocese of Baltimore, where he served from 1993 to 1999.
Archbishop Lori ordains six transitional and two permanent deacons in joyful celebration May 19, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: deacons, Feature, Local News, News, Vocations Archbishop William E. Lori celebrated the liturgy at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland during Mass packed with family and friends and occasionally rocked with applause and cheers.
‘Scouting is back,’ going strong teaching life skills to youths in Archdiocese of Baltimore April 4, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Youth Ministry, Youth Programs Archdiocesan Scouting officials hope to glimpse the future of the programs at an April 19-21 retreat at Walkersville Watershed in Frederick. It’s the first since the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, and Father Jim Bors, appointed last year as chaplain of the Archdiocesan Catholic Committee on Scouting Leadership, hopes it will show “that Scouting is back.”
Hundreds to come into full communion with Catholic Church in Archdiocese of Baltimore February 22, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Lent, Local News, News, Worship & Sacraments Talk to any of the nearly 700 catechumens and candidates who filled the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland Feb. 18 for the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion who will enter the Catholic Church this Easter, and you won’t hear them reflect about a sense of adventure on a new journey.
Mount 2000 inspires eucharistic devotion February 13, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Eucharist, Feature, Local News, News, Schools The shimmering emotional highlight of Mount 2000, the annual Eucharist-focused retreat for highschoolers at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, is always the Saturday night eucharistic procession at Knott Arena, with a single spotlight illuminating the monstrance.
Father Thomas Ryan, dedicated school chaplain, dies at 79 January 4, 2024By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Colleges, Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries, Schools Father Thomas Ryan, a Pittsburgh native whose nearly 50 years of ministry in the Archdiocese of Baltimore was highlighted by chaplain posts at Archbishop Spalding High School and Johns Hopkins University, died of cancer Jan. 2. He was 79.
Monsignor FitzGerald, noted for ministry to seafarers, dies at 82 December 20, 2023By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Bridge Collapse, Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries Monsignor John Louis FitzGerald, a Baltimore native and former military chaplain who in 2003 established Apostleship of the Sea, a worldwide ministry for seafarers, for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, died Dec. 16. He was 82.
Baltimore City’s inclusive housing a triumph for Catholic activism December 8, 2023By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Our Faith in Action, Social Justice Given the meandering pace at which building plans make their way through Baltimore city offices to final approval before construction begins, it should take at least two years before the new inclusionary – meaning, affordable – housing law, which finally passed in full on Dec. 7, will show an impact.
Baltimore City approves inclusive housing bill December 5, 2023By Kurt Jensen Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Social Justice Baltimore City Council chambers rocked with applause and cheers Dec. 4 as a strong new law requiring inclusionary – meaning, affordable – housing for low-income residents in new developments was adopted on its third reading.
What’s allowed – and not – in Catholic funeral and burial practices November 2, 2023By Kurt Jensen Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News Burying the dead is a corporal act of mercy. Everything centers on the belief in the intact body, since baptism makes individuals temples of the Holy Spirit. Catholic belief is that upon death, the soul meets God, and God gives incorruptible life to bodies by reuniting them with their souls.