Five years to the day of the accident, Senft launched a podcast, Blink of an Eye ( Aug. 4. Weekly episodes based on her notes are designed to help others facing traumatic crises.
Religious women enrich Dundalk pastorate
When COVID-19 restrictions meant three newly-arrived religious women couldn’t count on the usual ways of meeting their new Dundalk-area parishioners, they improvised.
Waiting to join Little Sisters, nurse says God ‘wanted me here’
Amanda Krow, a registered nurse who has ministered with the Little Sisters of the Poor at St. Martin’s Home for the Aged, is becoming a member of the women’s religious community.
Messages of White Mass amplified in Baltimore Archdiocese during pandemic
Clad in their white coats, health professionals gathered at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the annual White Mass Oct. 18, to pray together for their colleagues and patients with Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore.
Camp GLOW remains an anchor, even online
COVID-19 made in-person camp for adults with physical or developmental disabilities, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Baltimore, too risky, according to Deacon Bill Fleming, its director. An alternative, an online camp, has received an enthusiastic response.
Carol Augustine, leader in religious education and evangelization, dies at 74
“Carol’s work was grounded in relationships,” Puls said. “It was all about relationships.”
Counselors find new ways to connect
Zoom sessions have become the norm, along with email blasts, virtual office hours and old-fashioned phone calls.
First Communions on hold, but preparation continues, online
First Communion season should be in full swing, but social distancing has closed churches and put parish celebrations on hold.
Like everyone else, religious lean on tech in time of COVID-19
Until churches and schools reopen and people can gather again, however, technology is the next best way to connect, not just for laypeople, but those living in religious communities.
Catholic Charities of Baltimore launches SNAP hotline
To serve an increasing number of people needing assistance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those without access to online applications, Catholic Charities of Baltimore has launched a telephone hotline for the supplemental nutrition assistance program (SNAP).
Stations of the Cross: Jesus’ passion takes on particular resonance in time of crisis
The Archdiocese of Baltimore is home to many beautiful Stations of the Cross that tell the story of Christ’s Passion in compelling ways.
Coronavirus closures slow offertory collections but not parish costs
No Masses during the COVID-19 pandemic could mean several weeks without offertory collections and this has many pastors worried.