Six years ago, when my sister was expecting her twin boys, I was rooting for them to come on my husband’s birthday. I thought it would be fun for them to share that day together.
As we counted down the days, it seemed more and more possible that they could arrive on his birthday. In the end, they almost made it. We celebrated John’s birthday, and the baby boys were born the next day.
And you know what? This is even better. The twins were always going to have to share their birthday. This way Uncle John’s birthday is like the Christmas Eve of their birthday. It extends and enhances the birthday celebration—and it gives them something else they have in common with Uncle John.
It reminds me a little of how my brother and I have adjacent birthdays. We always pressed our family to up the celebrations because of our back-to-back days.
Our nephews Facetimed John for his birthday this evening together with their sisters, laughing at his jokes and telling him about their birthday plans, and you could tell it was an extra special call.
After all, it’s birthday season around here for these three. And even though autumn isn’t my favorite time of year, I do love the birthdays that pop up along the way.
For most birthdays, I’m scrambling a couple days before a birthday (or after if I miss it) to find the perfect gift for a niece or nephew. This time around, John picked out the gifts with great care well in advance.
So, for a few weeks, we have had a box of superhero action figures and two Incredible Hulk T-shirts waiting to be wrapped. I know our twin nephews will love them, as they would have loved anything selected by Uncle John.
He will deliver their gifts in person, and that will be the best part of all. We might not see as much of our local family as we would like, but we certainly prioritize birthday visits—and there are a few of those to celebrate.
Birthdays are such a beautiful time to reflect on all we’re given. This week, I’m feeling grateful for my husband. I can’t imagine life without him. And I’m thankful to have our twin nephews in our lives as they turn 6, with all the fun that that age brings—especially on birthdays.
Here we have three birthdays in two days. What could be more fun? God sure knows what he’s doing.
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