Ruth did not send “Ruth Sent Us.” But she and Antonin could send us to seek common ground in helping children and their mothers.
A More Human Society
Confusions about blessings
The church cannot change its teaching for self-styled “liberals” or “conservatives,” as it must serve the designs of God found in Scripture and fully revealed by Christ.
Conscience and its enemies
Should doctors and nurses be forced to take part in procedures that violate their conscience? It’s a timely question. New federal regulations to enforce existing conscience protection laws are being challenged in federal courts.
Building a wall against life
In what Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls a “historic victory for New Yorkers,” New York has passed what may be the nation’s most extreme and irresponsible abortion law.
On not being a vegetable
Our medical system has been giving up on far too many of these patients, prematurely ensuring their deaths based on faulty diagnoses and self-fulfilling hopeless predictions.
Good and bad ideas on church reform
Charges against former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, and those who allegedly covered up his abuses and advanced him to an advisory role at the Vatican, must be investigated and proved or disproved.
A church of sinners
Ideas have consequences, and for decades some very bad ideas have given aid and comfort to predators inside and outside the church.
Of wedding cakes and our tenuous freedoms
Richard Doerflinger finds rich ironies in the Supreme Court’s wedding cake ruling.
Hype and reality on family planning
According to a 2016 fact sheet by the Guttmacher Institute, a former Planned Parenthood affiliate, the federal government spends well over $2 billion a year on family planning, mostly through Medicaid (not affected by the regulation).
Food for thought on helpless seniors
The U.S. assisted-suicide movement has ridiculed slippery-slope arguments, saying we will never follow the Netherlands in approving assisted suicide for people who only have dementia. It seems we are almost there now.
Three cheers for Lucas
In a week dominated by the Winter Olympics and news of partisan combat (of course) in Washington, D.C., I am transfixed by the contagious smile of one little boy named Lucas Warren.
Encouraging news on abortion
Supporters of legalized abortion used to agree that abortion should be “rare.” They don’t say it so much nowadays. Maybe they now realize that reducing abortions will require discouraging abortion.