You can’t play basketball over Zoom: a second grader’s take on virtual communication May 29, 2020By Robyn Barberry Filed Under: Blog, Unconditional Social distancing can be miserable, but at the very least we have each other.
Bianchi’s Wager May 27, 2020By Hanael Bianchi Filed Under: Blog, Fertile Soil Here’s my version of the wager. Embrace an authentic Catholic attitude and see how it impacts your life now.
A Child’s Coronavirus Prayer May 27, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window This weekend, my 10-year-old godson wrote a prayer.
Remembering who they were May 25, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window During this time of social distancing, as we wear masks and stay away from people we love, it’s important to remember that we are doing this because life matters. Because love matters.
Food faces, wildlife encroaching, an unexpected call, my dinner of the week, and more (7 Quick Takes) May 22, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Do you see faces in food? It happens to me all the time.
Ask St. Rita for help with an impossible situation May 22, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window St. Rita is patron of several things, including parenthood and marriage difficulties, but what she’s best known for—and perhaps most needed for today—is impossible causes.
“Do my llama slippers need an Instagram account?” and other pandemic questions May 21, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window I started thinking about unexpected questions that only seem to come up when you’ve been living under stay-at-home orders for weeks on end.
A bittersweet moment for the Class of 2020 May 19, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window Heartbreaking as this experience is for the Class of 2020—and it is—I also find the Class of 2020 intriguing and inspiring.
Class of Covid: The overlooked graduates of the class of 2020 May 19, 2020By Robyn Barberry Filed Under: Blog, Unconditional My hats go off to all graduates of all grades everywhere. In surviving this, you have gained wisdom, skill sets, patience and appreciation that will guide you everywhere you go.
Touchpoints with a saint’s life May 17, 2020By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Commentary, Uncategorized As we mark the centenary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla, who became St. John Paul II, it caused me to reflect on moments of my life that intersected with the man who was pope for a great chunk of my life and career in Catholic journalism.
Feast on yeast, Mother’s Day treats, closet reorganization, and more (7 Quick Takes) May 16, 2020By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window I finally got my hands on some years, and I made homemade pizza this week.
Discipleship – There’s an app for that! May 14, 2020By Father T. Austin Murphy Jr. Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Diamonds in the Rough Rather than connecting some pop culture offering of this moment, I want to promote The Chosen because I want to promote Jesus and discipleship.