Those truly filled with Christ’s self-giving love cannot remain self-enclosed but instead are impelled to become a diffuser of his truth and love by how they live, what they say and by their love of others, especially those in need.
Charity in Truth
The divine spark
If we neglect our “heart of hearts,” our inmost self, our soul – where flashes the spark of divine love, that point of encounter between ourselves and God, then our efforts to improve how we look and how we function will largely be in vain.
The Door of Hope
In opening the Holy Door, Pope Francis opens the door of hope for the Church and for the whole human family.
Lost and found
During Advent, let us allow the Lord to break through barriers that prevent us from receiving and giving love. This can happen when we make an unburdening confession of our sins.
Overseas dispatches
Participating in prayerful discussions with people from all over the world, I experienced many different perspectives and cultural expressions coupled with a common love for Christ, for the faith and for the Church.
Sunken treasure
And just as the divers who found the San Jose did not work alone, so too those who are retrieving the faith do not work alone.
Important homework
Faith formation cannot be achieved solely in the classroom. Even the best teacher, catechist or youth minister cannot fully substitute for the role of loving parents.
Is our faith for real?
It’s no secret that in recent years many Catholics have absented themselves from the Eucharist and there are many reasons for this. But none of these reasons outweighs the depth, the beauty and the reality of Christ’s Presence and his power to change our lives by his transformative love.
Building the team
Sustainable parishes are being formed that will have what it takes to offer a full range of pastoral services and to evangelize the neighborhoods they are in, while continuing ministries of service.
Pray the rosary
There’s no better time to begin or resume praying the rosary than this beautiful month of May dedicated to our Blessed Lady.
The great restoration
Just as an old car is most thoroughly restored when its body is removed from its frame, something like that happens when we die: our body and soul are separated until the resurrection of the dead.
Home-court advantage
To come home to ourselves, we need silence. We need to pray in secret. We need to be open, welcoming to God who wants to dwell in us. We need to trust that he knows us best, loves us most and gives us what we need.