The divine spark February 10, 2025By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop If we neglect our “heart of hearts,” our inmost self, our soul – where flashes the spark of divine love, that point of encounter between ourselves and God, then our efforts to improve how we look and how we function will largely be in vain.
Overseas dispatches October 31, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, Feature, From the Archbishop Participating in prayerful discussions with people from all over the world, I experienced many different perspectives and cultural expressions coupled with a common love for Christ, for the faith and for the Church.
Is our faith for real? July 2, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop It’s no secret that in recent years many Catholics have absented themselves from the Eucharist and there are many reasons for this. But none of these reasons outweighs the depth, the beauty and the reality of Christ’s Presence and his power to change our lives by his transformative love.
Building the team June 3, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop, Seek the City to Come Sustainable parishes are being formed that will have what it takes to offer a full range of pastoral services and to evangelize the neighborhoods they are in, while continuing ministries of service.
The great restoration April 2, 2024By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop Just as an old car is most thoroughly restored when its body is removed from its frame, something like that happens when we die: our body and soul are separated until the resurrection of the dead.
Putting faith into action December 14, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop The family of the Church responded to them by striving to carry out the mission that Jesus entrusted to us.
How shall we continue? December 4, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Child & Youth Protection, Commentary, From the Archbishop Pope Francis wrote about encountering Christ and the joy of evangelizing, a church that goes forth, not hiding or shrinking from challenges, but embracing them in openness and love to all.
Radio Interview: Archdiocese of Baltimore and Chapter 11 October 9, 2023By Catholic Review Staff Catholic Review Filed Under: 2023 Attorney General's Report, Feature, From the Archbishop, Local News, News, Radio Interview Catholic Review Editor Christopher Gunty talked one-on-one with Archbishop William E. Lori about the impact of the archdiocese’s Chapter 11 reorganization and his goal to equitably compensate all victim-survivors, while continuing the mission of the church, parishes and ministries.
Archbishop Lori issues guidelines for pastoral accompaniment of LGBT Catholics July 20, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, From the Archbishop, Local News, Ministry, News Ministry to LGBT Catholics and their families must balance a “life-giving” tension between showing love and a genuine sense of welcome to all while also faithfully teaching the truth about human sexuality revealed by God in creation, Scripture and tradition.
Spiritual Exercise July 19, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, From the Archbishop A great act of charity is to accompany a person or family who is thinking of coming back to church.
‘Self-deferential love’ June 22, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, From the Archbishop Pope Francis continually proclaims that the cure for all forms of self-referentiality is a continual and authentic encounter with the person of Christ.
Archbishop Lori, in Sun op-ed: Archdiocese changed handling of abuse allegations 3 decades ago December 20, 2022By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, From the Archbishop, Local News, News Archbishop William E. Lori apologized again to anyone who has been harmed by a representative of the church and said he “will offer this apology as long as it needs to be heard,” in a column published on the Baltimore Sun’s website Dec. 19 and in its print edition the following day.