Our younger son loves fresh eggs. So, when a local friend posted to Facebook that they had extra eggs from their chickens, I messaged her right away. My egg enthusiast and I drove to their house after Mass to pick up two dozen eggs and to meet the chickens who had laid them.
Our seventh grader had the chance to hold a chicken, and then we came home with fresh eggs to enjoy. It was a win all the way around.
Meanwhile, our older son had an invitation to go to the beach for the weekend with a friend and his family. It felt like a really mature adventure for him, and I was impressed how happily he accepted and went along.
I guess this is part of what comes with high school, these new opportunities for our children—and these times where our children are out of the house more and doing their own thing.
When my son’s friend’s mom called with the invitation, I told her that my only concern was that he had to get to Mass. She willingly researched Masses and they all went together to a Saturday vigil Mass. I was so touched by her eagerness and kindness and care.

John and I celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary with a lovely meal at the Milton Inn. We took our 12-year-old along, and he enjoyed it as much as we did—and maybe even more, if that is possible. I had been there before with friends, but John hadn’t, so it was a treat to see him experience it for the first time.
The food was outstanding, the restaurant treated us to some crème brulee, and it was fun to go somewhere different and off the beaten path.
And we even had a built-in chaperone and photographer and bread-butterer to keep us company. There’s a value to dates without children, of course, but we’ve almost always included our children in the festivities. Our wedding was the start of our family, and I love to have them along to celebrate that beginning.
John was clearing out some old files the other day and came across some of the notes that he collected while our sons were in preschool. I didn’t realize he had held onto them, and they are incredible.
The other day, he sat and read one note about our younger son’s disruption during yoga class. He had told the visiting yoga instructor, “You need to get a new attitude.”
We just laughed and laughed and laughed.
I don’t know whether parents of young children today get handwritten notes taped to their children’s cubbies. I suspect they come digitally now. But I’m so happy we have these notes—though I don’t recall being quite as happy about them at the time.

Our nephew is getting married next weekend, and I was invited to a bridal shower for his fiancée this weekend. I went and spent time with my nieces and sisters-in-law and some of the other guests. It was so good to be with them and reminded me how little we have seen each other since the start of the pandemic.
If you think of it, would you pray for good weather next Saturday? The wedding will be outdoors, and I really hope the rain will hold enough so that everyone can enjoy the time together. I am asking St. Therese to intercede since the wedding is on her feast day.
The other day when our seventh grader needed help with math, I knew I wouldn’t be able to assist. I made it through seventh-grade math myself many years ago, but seventh-grade math today is completely different. Our son turned to his older brother, who was able to offer help—thank goodness.
I offered to pay our in-house tutor, but he told me he would put it down as service hours for school. He has to give 10 hours of service hours to his family this year. I have a feeling we are going to fly through those before Halloween.
Back in spring 2020, when it was clear that we weren’t going to be leaving the house for a while, I ordered a pair of hair clippers on Amazon and took up haircutting. My family has been perfectly happy to let me cut their hair because you never need an appointment and you can go straight from the hair-cutting chair into the shower. And I’ve had fun with it.
But for a while now, I’ve been hoping that maybe some of my clients would be willing to return to a professional stylist. You wouldn’t believe the pressure on an amateur barber when working with younger clients, especially.
Finally, this weekend, I took our 12-year-old for a “real” haircut. He looked so handsome when she finished cutting, and we went home happy. Then I went and got myself a haircut, too.
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