Power of prayer can pull you out of low-power mode September 15, 2022By Robyn Barberry Catholic Review Filed Under: Commentary, Unconditional It’s happened to everyone. You’re nowhere near a charger, and your phone has slipped into the dreaded “low-power mode.” For some reason, your phone is letting you know that it is hanging on for dear life. You don’t let it die because, well, you need it! This is why low-power mode exists. It shuts down the things you really don’t need so that you can have access to your phone’s most important functions. Like our phones, our energy decreases over time, but all too often, we fail to kick in low-power mode and end up completely drained. For some people this happens when they’re around too many people, or not enough. For others, this happens when their to-do lists contain more needs than wants. For people of faith, this tends to happen when we find ourselves at our greatest distance from God. If you can recognize when you’re starting to feel unmotivated or overwhelmed, you can crash altogether or simply let yourself slip into low power mode. But, you’ve got to look for the early warning signs. A friend of mine knows she’s starting to lose energy when she can’t stop snacking. Another said he knows that if he’s turned off the radio entirely on his way home, he needs to perk himself up to get through the rest of the day. As for me, I notice that my thoughts are jumping from one task to another and I can’t get anything started. When that feeling starts manifesting itself, however it does, the best thing to do is to tell yourself “Stop! You’re entering low-power mode.” The next thing to do is pray. A “Hail Mary,” “The Serenity Prayer,” or a simple conversation with God, will let him know that you’re in need of a charge. Then, shut down your unnecessary tabs. Do you need to be thinking about Christmas shopping right now? Can your oil change wait another few weeks until your schedule isn’t so hectic? Are you really going to resolve a longstanding disagreement with a family member in your head in the next five minutes? Would it be okay to skip the company picnic in favor of some quiet time? Is serving your kids pizza two nights in a row the worst thing in the world? (I, for one, hope not!) The key to low-power mode is to determine the bare minimum of tasks and thoughts you need to demand of yourself to get you through the hours, days, and weeks when your life is at its most difficult. Let go of things that don’t matter or, at least, don’t matter in the immediate future. Conserve your power to empower yourself and empower our Lord. I offer this prayer as a way to help you keep yourself charged, even when you know you’re losing power. The Low Power Prayer Dear God, I can feel myself starting to lose energy Please provide me with healthy solutions to invigorate me And enable me to accomplish the tasks you have willed for me Please relieve me of the daily discomforts of my mortal life And remind me that the anxieties I encounter here will not exist in heaven Please use your power to restore me So that I may serve you with all that I am Amen Read More Commentary Question Corner: Do most people make it to heaven? Overseas dispatches Everyday Memories of Those Who’ve Gone Before Hard times coming, whoever wins Analysis: Permanent deacons are key to a ‘synodal missionary church’ — the synod needed them Changes at St. Dominic hit close to home Copyright © 2022 Catholic Review Media Print