Archbishop William E. Lori’s Charity in Truth Column
Person or thing?
Violence against the unborn and violence against the chronically and terminally ill are indeed manifestations of the culture of death – the cheapening of human life.
Merciful like the Father
Even a glance at the Gospel shows us that healing the sick – physically and spiritually – was at the heart of Jesus’ earthly ministry.
Centered on Christ
Christ is at the center, there in the midst of all that we do, the way we approach every subject, every aspect of the school.
What to give the Lord
We can’t evangelize without putting ourselves out on a limb, any more than a person in sales can avoid the risk of getting turned down.
Duress and Charity
I felt the resilience of a people struggling to retain not only their territory, but also their faith, culture and national identity.
Build a culture of life in a post-Roe world
It is the time to rededicate ourselves to building a culture of life and civilization of love.
Invite Jesus to center of lives when in eye of storm
It is better to be at the center of the storm than to be on its edges, where we are likely to be blown away.
A compassionate ‘yes’ to life
Let us band together in building a culture of life. And may the prayers of Mary, the Mother of our Savior, accompany us every step of the way.
Gathered into one by the Eucharistic Lord
The Eucharistic encounter with Christ, crucified and risen: this is at the heart of the Year of the Eucharist.
Archbishop Lori says it’s been ten quick years
It seems like only yesterday that Archbishop William E. Lori walked into a packed Cathedral of Mary Our Queen to be installed as
the 16th Archbishop of Baltimore.
the 16th Archbishop of Baltimore.