Archbishop William E. Lori’s Charity in Truth Column
Mary’s discipleship and ours
During this month of May, let us turn to Mary with renewed devotion, asking her to lead us to her divine Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Celebrating St. Joseph the Worker – and all workers
The pandemic has drastically altered the way we work. More than a year ago, many workers abruptly began working in an online environment. That shift brought advantages, but also its share of anxieties and limitations, including the tensions and even traumas that many families experienced during the pandemic. Even so, in the intervening months, many […]
Divine cancel culture
Happily, though, there is such a thing as a “good” cancel culture. It does not originate on social media or the airwaves. Rather, the good cancel culture comes from the heart of God. It is the stunning truth that God, in his mercy and love, has cancelled our sins.
Archbishop Lori reflects on the Year of St. Joseph
St. Joseph’s example and intercession should encourage each of us to do our part in building up the household of the Church by a spirit of prayer, by a willing spirit of service, and by our witness to Christ.
Long, rugged road of non-violence
Even those who have never participated in a protest can also lose sight of his nonviolent message by engaging in partisan bickering, by harboring angry thoughts or by choosing words that wound no less than swords.
Building a Nation of Peace and Justice
Leaders must be aware that their words and deeds have far-reaching consequences.
Archbishop Lori’s thoughts for a New Year
If our friendship with the Eucharistic Lord is alive and well, many blessings will flow upon each of us, upon our families and parishes, and upon the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
An Advent we never expected
This year we have the chance to spend our time quietly searching our hearts for the Word God wishes to speak to us during this period of peace and silence that has been imposed on us.
Holy competition
Blessed Stanley Rother and Blessed Michael McGivney are exemplars of priestly courage, leadership and pastoral charity. Both are a source of encouragement, not only for seminarians but also for those of us already ordained.
Living the Gospel of Life
We must not allow ourselves to be deluded into thinking that death is the way to deal with social challenges we face.