Archbishop William E. Lori’s Charity in Truth Column
Archbishop Lori on the good of the country
Our votes will have real-life consequences for many people. Thus, we should do our best to discern those consequences.
The long haul
We are rooting for the medical professionals to come up with a vaccine and effective treatment, but we should also be begging the Lord to remove this scourge from us.
How church teaching can help explain why ‘Black Lives Matter’
The words “Black Lives Matter” ought to remind us that every Black person is made in God’s image and is endowed with inviolable dignity, from the moment of conception until natural death.
Mother Lange – pray for us
It is a good time for us to remember the blessing we have here in Baltimore by turning to Servant of God, Mother Mary Lange, as never before.
Silence in the domestic church
For a parish church to be a place of prayer, there have to be times of silence. For a domestic church to be a place of prayer and formation, there also needs to be periods of silence.
An inward pilgrimage with Mary
May we indeed persevere, in this and in every time of trial, so that one day we may reign with Christ in the presence of Mary Our Queen.
Fear itself
So often in Scripture Jesus says to his followers and to us, “Be not afraid.” He’s not asking us to ignore our problems or neglect our loved ones or deny our feelings. He is inviting us to rise above our feelings of fear, to encounter the greatness and glory of God, and in a spirit of humility and contrition to open our hearts to him, perhaps as never before.
Forgive us our trespasses
Sin is a wound in the heart of an all-loving God. This should bring home to us the enormity and preciousness of God’s gift of mercy.
Spiritual combat
A badly exaggerated “can-do” attitude is symptomatic of the sin of pride that played such a devastating role at the dawn of human history.
Another family to celebrate
I’ve been asked many times if I have inherited their good genes. I don’t know about that. I do know that mom and dad have given me an even more precious inheritance – the gift of life, the gift of faith and the gift of good example.