Father Paul Reich, Marianist who welcomed hundreds into the Catholic Church, dies at 90 April 25, 2019By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries Father Reich, a Pittsburgh native who had two uncles who were Marianists, spent all his ministry at St. Joseph leading the RCIA program that welcomes people into the Catholic Church.
Listening session will share experiences of racism in the Catholic Church April 12, 2019By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Feature, Local News, News Three months after Archbishop William E. Lori published his second pastoral reflection on racism, the Archdiocese of Baltimore will offer an April 29 listening session at Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore to present the firsthand experiences of invited speakers who have faced racism in the Catholic Church.
‘Sister Hildie’ was beloved presence at IND for more than six decades March 15, 2019By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Obituaries, Schools “She knew every nook and cranny of IND,” Sister Patricia McCarron said. “She had a window into the heart of every single IND girl. She was the spirit of IND.”
Religious sister offers hope and healing in keynote address to pastoral leaders February 19, 2019By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News “Jesus Christ did not come and suffer and die for us so that we be good little girls and boys,” she said, “He came that we might have life and have it to the full and that our life would be completely transformed unto glory.”
Major relic of St. John Vianney returning to Archdiocese of Baltimore for veneration January 9, 2019By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News At a time of unrest in the Catholic Church and the nation, several priests in the Archdiocese of Baltimore said they hope the upcoming visit of a major relic of a 19th-century priest known for his holiness will inspire genuine change.
Little Sisters of the Poor believe they were robbed after Christmas shopping November 27, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News Apparent Good Samaritans turned out to be nothing of the sort after allegedly stealing Christmas presents from two Little Sisters of the Poor outside the Costco in Columbia Nov. 26.
‘Resilient faith:’ Josephites celebrate 125 years of ministry November 21, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Baltimore Basilica, Black Catholic Ministry, Feature, Local News, News, Racial Justice, World News The Baltimore-based Josephites celebrated their 125th anniversary with a special Mass Nov. 17 at the Baltimore Basilica.
St. John Vianney’s heart will be available for veneration in Baltimore November 7, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Knights of Columbus, Local News, News The incorrupt heart of one of the Catholic Church’s most beloved saints will be available for public veneration Nov. 10-11 at St. Mary’s Historic Seminary Chapel on Paca Street in Baltimore as part of a national relic tour sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Baltimore parish celebrates 150th anniversary of precious icon’s arrival November 5, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Arts & Culture, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News, Saints “This icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help came to accompany her sons and daughters – all of us migrants here, all of us new to this country,” the superior general said.
Baltimore’s religious and civic leaders mourn 11 slain in Pittsburgh November 2, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Religious Freedom On All Souls Day, a day when Catholics and those of other Christian denominations pray for the dead, religious and civic leaders from around Baltimore gathered at the Weinberg Park Heights Jewish Community Center in Baltimore Nov. 2 to remember the 11 people slain at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh nearly one week earlier.
Archbishop Lori meets with priests to hear concerns, offer support August 31, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Archbishop's Ministry, Child & Youth Protection, Feature, Local News, News Archbishop William E. Lori met with more than 100 priests Aug. 28 at St. Margaret in Bel Air to offer his support and to listen to their concerns approximately two weeks after the release of the Pennsylvania grand jury report on clergy sexual abuse.
New superintendent excited about ‘Year of Service’ August 31, 2018By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Feature, Local News, News, Schools Encouraging students to reach out to others through community service has always been a critical part of Catholic education. This year, however, helping others is getting even more attention as the Archdiocese of Baltimore has declared the 2018-19 school year a “Year of Service.”