Pro-life Hispanic conference’s speakers reflect on abortion and its impact January 29, 2025By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, News, Respect Life, World News On the Saturday after thousands marched in defense of life in Washington, scores of pro-life Latinos participated in the annual Hispanic Pro-life Conference near the nation’s capital. This year’s conference theme was “The Family and the Dignity of All Human Life.”
Local Hispanic Catholics have much to celebrate on Epifanía January 2, 2025By Marietha Góngora V. Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News The Feast of the Epiphany – “Epifanía” in Spanish – is one of the biggest days of the year for many Spanish-speaking Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Columbia parish’s Pastoral Migratoria Ministry receives national recognition December 20, 2024By Marietha Góngora V. Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News An outreach ministry based at St. John the Evangelist in Columbia does more than provide much-needed support to new arrivals to the United States. It also helps Anglo parishioners accompany their Spanish-speaking immigrants and their families.
Pope: Mary’s motherhood is the essence of Guadalupe December 12, 2024By Justin McLellan Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, News, Vatican, World News Reducing the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe to anything other than an expression of Mary’s universal motherhood diminishes the true essence of the iconic Marian devotion, Pope Francis said.
Mexican bishops urge truce as country celebrates feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12, 2024By David Agren OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, News, World News Mexico’s Catholic clergy have called for a truce on Dec. 12, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and on Christmas Day as criminal violence wracks swaths of the country and clergy working in conflictive regions come under threat.
In times of division, Our Lady of Guadalupe calls all to unity in Christ, bishops say December 12, 2024By Lauretta Brown OSV News Filed Under: Bishops, Feature, Hispanic Ministry, News, World News At a time marked by division, several U.S. bishops wrote Dec. 11 that the patronage of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the Americas, is “a powerful reminder that we are all called to be one in Christ Jesus, beginning from the moment of our conception.”
Archdiocese of Baltimore honors Our Lady of Guadalupe December 10, 2024By Marietha Góngora V. Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News Dressed in bright green, white and red garb – the same colors of the Mexican flag – a group of young people and adults danced up the central aisle of the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen Dec. 7 during the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Archdiocesan delegates participate in Continental Encuentro December 10, 2024By Marietha Góngora V. Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: Feature, Hispanic Ministry, Local News, News Delegates from the Archdiocese of Baltimore were among those from 18 countries attending the Nov. 11-17 XII Continental Encuentro of Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) in Zaragoza, El Salvador.
Hispanic Catholics’ enthusiasm for mission is ‘part of your DNA,’ says pope’s ambassador November 2, 2024By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, News, World News As Hispanic Heritage Month drew to a close, dozens of leaders of Catholic organizations and Hispanic pastoral leaders gathered at the apostolic nunciature of the Holy See in Washington, brought together by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Cultural Diversity in the Church of and its Subcommittee on Hispanic Affairs.
Mexican lay couple help migrants amid rising dangers, difficulties October 26, 2024By David Agren OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, Immigration and Migration, News, World News A lay preacher and longtime parishioner at the St. Francis Assisi Church in Huixtla, Hernández, 76, cites his experience in parish life as an inspiration for helping migrants. Helping migrants, he says, is a form of practicing what he preaches.
Synodality a theme for U.S. Hispanic ministry professionals as they gather in Miami October 25, 2024By Emily Chaffins OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, News, World News NCADDHM, established in the early 1990s to reinforce the Hispanic ministry in the United States, held this year’s conference in Miami Oct. 8-11, 2024. Approximately 200 representatives from 65 dioceses attended, even though Hurricane Milton made landfall Oct. 9, on Florida’s nearby Gulf Coast.
Former doctrinal chief calls Father Gustavo Gutierrez ‘one of the great theologians of our time’ October 23, 2024By Junno Arocho Esteves OSV News Filed Under: Hispanic Ministry, News, Obituaries, World News Dominican Father Gustavo Gutiérrez, known as the “father of liberation theology,” which rose to prominence in South America in the 1960s and 1970s as a way of responding to the needs of Latin America’s poor, died Oct. 22 at age 96.