Cardinal Gregory blesses D.C. shrine’s replacement of vandalized Mary statue October 24, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Ten months after a marble statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the Rosary Walk and Garden outside the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception was vandalized and destroyed beyond repair, a replacement statue was blessed Oct. 23 by Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory.
Cardinal Gregory stresses need for believers to fight against racism October 20, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Racial Justice, World News atholics, and all people of faith, must engage in the “critically important work” of fighting injustice, racism and other societal ills that prevent people from living in peace, Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory said in an Oct. 13 address at Fairfield University in Connecticut.
Prayers offered for victims of Ukraine war, calls for peace renewed September 23, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Crisis in Ukraine, Feature, News, World News Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington joined Archbishop Borys Gudziak of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia Sept. 21 for an ecumenical prayer service to remember those who have been killed in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and to renew calls for peace for that war-ravaged nation.
Principal calls vandalism at Catholic school in Washington ‘a hate crime’ August 15, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Religious Freedom, Schools, World News St. Anthony Catholic School in Northeast Washington has been vandalized twice in less than a week in what the principal of the school is calling “a hate crime.”
Panel: Gun violence is pro-life issue that sensible gun laws must address June 9, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, U.S. Congress, World News Catholic leaders in an online discussion June 8 urged the faithful to look at gun violence as a pro-life issue, address the roots of racist thinking that promotes such violence and press for commonsense gun laws.
Cardinal Gregory urges reflection on ‘weighty moral question’ of capital punishment April 19, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Social Justice, World News Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington venerated the cross of Jesus and urged the faithful to “consider carefully the impact that capital punishment has on us as a society.”
Catholics urged to oppose bills that would expand abortion in Maryland February 28, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Local News, Maryland General Assembly, News, Respect Life The Maryland Catholic Conference has urged Catholics and other pro-lifers to actively oppose several bills being considered by the state’s lawmakers in Annapolis that would broaden and strengthen laws a right to abortion laws in Maryland.
Reject racism to ‘live the way’ Creator intended us to live, cardinal says February 4, 2022By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Colleges, Feature, News, Racial Justice, World News People must “reject all forms of racism, bigotry and injustice” and recognize “we are each made by God and are deserving of respect and dignity because of just that,” Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory said Feb. 3.
Colin Powell is recalled for priority he put on education, hard work, goals October 20, 2021By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Obituaries, World News Powell, who was the nation’s first Black secretary of state, as well as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and national security adviser, died early Oct. 18 of complications from COVID-19 at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, just outside of Washington, where he was being treated for multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. He was 84.
Cardinal Gregory: Catholic media’s task is to wed the facts to ‘truth of the Gospel’ June 9, 2021By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, Journalism, News, Racial Justice, Social Justice, World News As the nation struggles to fight a pandemic and address social strife and racial injustice, the Catholic media have the important task of presenting news truthfully and in light of the Gospel values taught by the church, Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory of Washington told Catholic media professionals June 9.
Cardinal prays on CNN program marking 500,000 COVID-19 deaths in U.S. February 23, 2021By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News During a Feb. 22 evening program on CNN, Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory offered a prayer for those who have died from COVID-19 asking God to “grant enteral peace to all our sisters and brothers lost to this disease.”
At national memorial, Cardinal Gregory prays for all who died of COVID-19 January 20, 2021By Richard Szczepanowski Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News Saying the nation “reverently pauses in supplication to remember and to pray for the many thousands of people who have died from the coronavirus during this past year,” Washington Cardinal Wilton D. Gregory offered the invocation at a pre-inauguration memorial service Jan. 19 to honor and remember the more than 400,000 Americans who have succumbed to COVID-19.