Pope prays that Easter joy would break through gloom of sin, war, strife April 9, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Easter, Feature, News, Vatican, World News On a bright spring morning, Pope Francis prayed that Christians would experience the joy of Easter and allow Christ’s resurrection to be “the light that illumines the darkness and the gloom in which, all too often, our world finds itself enveloped.”
‘Good is stronger than evil,’ Archbishop Lori proclaims at Easter Mass April 9, 2023By George P. Matysek Jr. Catholic Review Filed Under: 2023 Attorney General's Report, Easter, Feature, Local News, News The Catholic Church exists to proclaim the Risen Lord, Archbishop William E. Lori told more than 1,300 people who filled the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen in Homeland to capacity for the 11 a.m. Easter Mass April 9.
Enter into the joy of Easter April 8, 2023By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Easter, Open Window He extends his grace, invites us to feast at the Eucharistic table, and welcomes us home.
Pope at Easter: Roll away the stone of sadness, encounter the Risen Lord April 8, 2023By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service Filed Under: Easter, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Easter is the time “to roll away the stone of the tombs in which we often imprison our hope and to look with confidence to the future, for Christ is risen and has changed the direction of history,” Pope Francis said as he celebrated the Easter Vigil Mass.
Good questions, FOCUS and large stuffed pigs: one new Catholic’s journey to the faith April 8, 2023By Kiki Hayden OSV News Filed Under: Easter, Evangelization, Feature, News, World News, Worship & Sacraments The annual SEEK conferences hosted by FOCUS are for anyone interested in deepening their faith and spreading the Gospel.
Convert looks forward with joy to Easter, says path to church has been ‘a joyous journey’ April 8, 2023By Linda Petersen OSV News Filed Under: Easter, Lent, News, World News The “Elect” are the catechumens, who will be baptized, confirmed and receive the first Eucharist at Easter Vigil, April 8.
Communion under both kinds returns in Archdiocese of Baltimore April 5, 2023By Christopher Gunty Catholic Review Filed Under: Easter, Feature, Local News, News, Worship & Sacraments The Archdiocese of Baltimore will reinstitute the reception of Communion under both species on Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper, April 6.
Holy Land patriarchs in Easter message place ‘ultimate hope only God’ amid increasing attacks on Christian sites April 3, 2023By Judith Sudilovsky OSV News Filed Under: Easter, Feature, Lent, News, World News Just as early Christians were sustained by the words of St. Peter describing Jesus’ resurrection as offering a “new birth into a living hope,” so too should the Christians of the Holy Land today be encouraged and empowered by this knowledge as they face tumultuous times, when their own faith continues to be tested, said the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in their March 31 Easter message.
On the brink April 3, 2023By Archbishop William E. Lori Catholic Review Filed Under: Charity in Truth, Commentary, Easter, Feature, Lent The redemptive act of Christ, done in obedience to the Father’s saving will, embraced the full range our triumphs, tragedies and sins.
National Eucharistic Revival aims to form disciples on mission with new Easter series March 26, 2023By OSV News OSV News Filed Under: Easter, Eucharist, Feature, News, World News, Worship & Sacraments The National Eucharistic Revival announced it will release what it called the “first-of-its-kind” mystagogy series of weekly catechetical reflections throughout the Easter season to “invite all Catholics deeper into the mysteries of Christ by reflecting on the truth, goodness and beauty of the Mass,” a news release on the series said.
Fully entering into the Triduum March 23, 2023By Bishop Donald J. Hying OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Easter, Lent God leaves the safety and glory of heaven, in a certain sense, and embraces the limitations of our human condition, coming to know in the flesh both the glory and tragedy of our nature without ever having sinned.
Temptation of power, money can obscure Easter joy, pope says April 19, 2022By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Easter, Feature, News, Vatican, World News The allure of power and money can be used to proclaim falsehoods and obscure the joyous announcement of Christ’s victory over death, Pope Francis said.