Exodus 90 centers on men achieving “spiritual freedom” from what its founders described as “societal enslavement.” It helps men seeking to grow in their vocations of priesthood or marriage, and for men struggling with an addiction.
Celebrating 40 years, Social Ministry Convocation seeks more from young Catholics
The urgent call to bring young Catholics into the social justice movement was clear March 2 at Mercy High School, site of the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s 40th annual Social Ministry Convocation.
Applications open for Archdiocesan Pastoral Council
In re-establishing an Archdiocesan Pastoral Council, Archbishop William E. Lori hopes the new group of lay advisers will be guided by the Holy Spirit and will help the Archdiocese of Baltimore evaluate “what are we doing right, what are we doing wrong, what have we not thought about,” according to Mary Ellen Russell, director of community relations.
Parade People: Catholics stoke Baltimore’s St. Patrick tradition
Baltimore’s annual St. Patrick Parade has plenty of Catholic connections.
St. Brigid in Canton closes, pastorate considers new uses for building
Declining numbers led to the closing of St. Brigid Church in Canton, which in 2017 became part of a pastorate in East Baltimore.
Hundreds of Catholics visit state legislators
Catholics from throughout Maryland gathered in Annapolis Feb. 21 to learn about legislative issues and meet their lawmakers during an event sponsored by the Maryland Catholic Conference.
Maryland fetal homicide bill would enable murder charges for death of younger fetus
Mark Wallen spoke Feb. 21 at a news conference in Annapolis to promote Senate Bill 561/House Bill 757, also known as “Laura and Reid’s Law,” which would expand fetal homicide protections to as few as eight weeks’ gestation.
Catholic doctor testifies against physician-assisted suicide at Annapolis hearing
Testimony in opposition and support heated the debate on physician-assisted suicide at the Maryland General Assembly session in Annapolis Feb. 15.
Glyndon parish well represented at World Youth Day in Panama
A trip to Central America strengthened bonds within Sacred Heart, Glyndon’s, Hispanic youth group.
Religious sister offers hope and healing in keynote address to pastoral leaders
“Jesus Christ did not come and suffer and die for us so that we be good little girls and boys,” she said, “He came that we might have life and have it to the full and that our life would be completely transformed unto glory.”
Formation, fellowship abound at Mid-Atlantic Congress
Nearly a decade old, the MAC allows leaders in Catholic ministry a regional opportunity for formation and fellowship.
Mount St. Mary’s University announces $3 million donation
Mount St. Mary’s University President Timothy E. Trainor announced Feb. 14 that the Bolte Family Foundation will donate $3 million to help expand and renovate the Knott Academic Center, home to the Richard J. Bolte, Sr. School of Business.