Two leaders of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops hailed the Supreme Court’s June 24 decision to overturn the court’s 1973 ruling that legalized abortion nationwide and said it is time for “healing wounds and repairing social divisions” with those who take opposing views on abortion.
Respect Life
Pro-life leaders in Archdiocese of Baltimore respond to Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade
Leaders in the pro-life movement in Maryland welcomed the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 24 ruling striking down the Roe v. Wade decision that had made abortion legal for the last half century, but they cautioned there remains much work to build a culture of life.
Supreme Court overturns Roe in anticipated Dobbs decision
The court’s reversal of its long-standing abortion ruling brings abortion policy decisions to the state level. At least half of states plan to ban or restrict abortions with this decision in place.
Michigan center is among latest pro-life facilities vandalized across U.S.
A Dearborn Heights pregnancy center was vandalized June 20 in an apparent attack by protesters who support legal abortion.
A compassionate ‘yes’ to life
Let us band together in building a culture of life. And may the prayers of Mary, the Mother of our Savior, accompany us every step of the way.
Justice Department urged to address violent attacks on pro-life centers
The Biden administration’s “relative silence” over a growing number of attacks on churches, pregnancy resource centers and pro-life organizations over the abortion issue “endangers Americans even more,” said a coalition of pro-life and faith leaders.
Sisters back shareholder proposal that gunmaker study impact of gun sales
Gun manufacturer Sturm, Ruger & Company Inc. will examine the human rights impact of selling thousands of guns per year, thanks to a shareholder proposal backed by women religious.
Discarding elderly a ‘betrayal’ of humanity, pope says
People have a responsibility to care for the elderly and cherish their wisdom rather than regard them as a burden on society, Pope Francis said.
Speaker at Washington anti-gun rally says nation must ‘replace the hate’
The son of Ruth E. Whitfield, the oldest victim of the racially motivated mass shooting at a Buffalo, New York, grocery store, told a rally in Washington June 11 that the nation needs to “lower” its weapons and “replace the hate.”
Archbishop Lori, Cardinal Dolan decry attacks on pro-life centers
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan of New York and Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore pleaded for peace in light of recent attacks on pro-life pregnancy centers in the United States.
California bishops oppose move to ‘enshrine’ abortion in state constitution
The California Catholic Conference “vehemently opposes” amending the state’s constitution “to enshrine the most extreme forms of abortion.”
Panel: Gun violence is pro-life issue that sensible gun laws must address
Catholic leaders in an online discussion June 8 urged the faithful to look at gun violence as a pro-life issue, address the roots of racist thinking that promotes such violence and press for commonsense gun laws.