Archbishop Lori leads eucharistic procession to Annapolis Planned Parenthood October 13, 2021By Matthew Liptak Special to the Catholic Review Filed Under: #IamCatholic, Archbishop's Ministry, Eucharist, Feature, Local News, News, Respect Life “I’m convinced that whenever we’re in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, blessings flow,” Archbishop Lori said.
Archbishop Cordileone asks Catholics to fast, pray for Pelosi over abortion issue October 1, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, U.S. Congress, World News Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco is asking “all Catholics and others of goodwill” to join a prayer and fasting campaign for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic Democrat who supports legal abortion.
Papal academy gives U.S. death row chaplain ‘Guardian of Life’ award September 29, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Death row inmates in Florida’s prisons refer to their 6-foot-by-9-foot cell as their “house,” with some having lived in their “house” for 40 years — longer than one Catholic lay chaplain said he has lived in his family home in Tallahassee.
Bill to codify Roe called one of most ‘extreme’ abortion bills seen in U.S. September 23, 2021By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News The Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021, introduced in the U.S. Senate and House June 8 and currently moving through various committees in both chambers, “is nothing short of child sacrifice,” said Archbishop Salvatore J. Cordileone of San Francisco.
Catholic foster parents open door, hearts to more than 100 babies in 43 years September 20, 2021By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News When Travis and Rhonda Kitch met Ron and Jane Brown for the first time in 2008, they were already family.
Pope Francis says Benedict rightly warned against not respecting life September 13, 2021By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Pope Francis praised his predecessor’s courage in denouncing the danger of people no longer respecting or understanding the sacredness of human life.
Mexican bishops express sorrow after Supreme Court decriminalizes abortion September 9, 2021By David Agren Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News The Mexican bishops’ conference expressed sorrow over a unanimous Supreme Court decision to decriminalize abortion, while other church leaders called on Catholics to “not to be indifferent” on issues of life.
Pope: Euthanasia legislation in Europe is sign of ‘throwaway culture’ September 3, 2021By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Vatican, World News Increasing calls to legalize euthanasia in several European countries, as well as the disregard for vulnerable people and the unborn, are signs of a “throwaway culture” that is gaining ground across the continent, Pope Francis said.
Supreme Court rules against blocking Texas’ 6-week abortion ban September 2, 2021By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, Supreme Court, World News In a late-night decision Sept. 1, the Supreme Court ruled against blocking a Texas law banning abortions at six weeks of pregnancy.
Indiana Catholic takes part in national ‘Biking for Babies’ ride September 1, 2021By John Shaughnessy Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News This is the way Emily Mastronicola dreamed it would be.
Arlington Bishop: Church has ‘sacred duty’ to speak truth about human person, gender August 19, 2021By Zoey Maraist Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, World News The topic of transgenderism is discussed routinely in the news, on television shows and in schools.
Coakley: Senate bill covers many needs, but must not allow abortion funding August 11, 2021By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Respect Life, U.S. Congress, World News The $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill passed by the Senate makes “historic investments” in transportation, climate change mitigation, job creation, expanded internet access and other areas, but several issues still need attention, said the U.S. bishops’ domestic policy committee chairman.