Two Catholic women judges top short list as possible Supreme Court nominees September 21, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Supreme Court, World News Two Catholic women judges are on the short list of possible candidates to fill the vacant Supreme Court justice seat after the Sept. 18 death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Global biotech company ends use of aborted fetal cell lines for vaccines September 21, 2020By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, News, Respect Life, World News Catholic pro-life leaders say they are seeing some progress in the development of vaccines with the use of ethical animal cell lines instead of cell lines derived from abortions.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is remembered as ‘jurist of historic stature’ September 19, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, Obituaries, Supreme Court, World News The second woman appointed to the court, who served there for more than 27 years, is primarily remembered for her pioneering work for gender equality and for writing pointed dissents and asking tough questions.
Cologne cardinal warns German church’s Synodal Path could cause schism September 18, 2020By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Cologne Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki warned that the Synodal Path reform project could lead to a “German national church.”
Vandalism at El Paso Cathedral destroys nearly 90-year-old statue of Jesus September 17, 2020By Rhina Guidos Catholic News Service Filed Under: News, World News Authorities in El Paso, Texas, have apprehended a suspect who is said to have entered the border city’s St. Patrick Cathedral Sept. 15 and destroyed an almost 90-year statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Movie Review: ‘Mulan’ September 16, 2020By John Mulderig Catholic News Service Filed Under: Movie & Television Reviews, World News The film is sprawling and picturesque. And, as scripted by Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Lauren Hynek and Elizabeth Martin, it salutes courage, solidarity and devotion to family while also showcasing the conversion of one of its villains.
Study: Teens’ religious practice less than that of their parents September 16, 2020By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service Filed Under: Evangelization, Faith Formation, Feature, News, World News A Pew Research Center study released in September shows that teens’ religious practice is less than that of their parents. The lessened observance cuts across all denominational lines.
Bruce Springsteen gives pep talk of sorts to Boston College freshmen September 16, 2020By Carol Zimmermann Catholic News Service Filed Under: Arts & Culture, Coronavirus, Feature, News, World News As this unusual school year gets underway, Boston College freshmen were reminded that they’ve already been through a lot and were urged — as college graduating seniors usually are — that they have to go out and change the world.
Creation must be protected, not exploited, pope says at audience September 16, 2020By Junno Arocho Esteves Catholic News Service Filed Under: Environment, Feature, News, Vatican, World News Human beings must change their relationship with nature and view it not as an “object for unscrupulous use and abuse” but as a gift they are charged by God to care for and protect, Pope Francis said.
San Francisco Catholics urged to speak up about ‘punitive’ limits on Mass September 15, 2020By Catholic News Service Catholic News Service Filed Under: Coronavirus, News, Religious Freedom, World News San Francisco’s archbishop is calling on all parishes in the archdiocese to each gather parishioners to participate in eucharistic processions to U.N. Plaza next to City Hall Sept. 20 “to witness to the city that faith matters.”
U.S. evangelicals get Israeli visas; Catholics want equal treatment September 15, 2020By Judith Sudilovksy Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News Catholic leaders in the Holy Land expressed astonishment that a large group of evangelical Christians from the U.S. received visas to come to Israel to help with the grape harvest in West Bank settlements, while Catholic institutions have not been able to obtain Israeli visas for their volunteers and staff members because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Two groups criticize Catholic honor planned for U.S. attorney general September 15, 2020By Julie Asher Catholic News Service Filed Under: Feature, News, World News The Association of U.S. Catholic Priests and the Catholic Mobilizing Network said they strongly object to an award the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast organizers plan to present to U.S. Attorney General William Barr during the annual breakfast, which is to be livestreamed Sept. 23 from Washington.