Father Collin Poston Commentary BlogDust and Dewfall Jesus, our Eternal Fire Fighter Father J. Collin PostonFebruary 20, 20184 min read A fire fighter shares an amazing story of faith and salvation with Father Collin Poston. BlogDust and Dewfall Keeping our focus on Him Father J. Collin PostonDecember 23, 20172 min read Can you imagine your life without Christ? Without Jesus? How different everything – everything! – indeed would be. BlogDust and Dewfall His gaze never turns away from us Father J. Collin PostonNovember 6, 20174 min read Being a humble servant is living out the wondrous, mystical reality that God’s gaze never turns away from us. BlogDust and Dewfall What’s blocking the Light? Father J. Collin PostonAugust 22, 20172 min read What are the false gods that we are tempted to look upon, to hold on to and depend upon, that distract us from the gaze of Christ into our eyes, minds and hearts? BlogDust and Dewfall Rest and the exercise of our souls Father J. Collin PostonJuly 10, 20174 min read When our souls are stretched, even if to their breaking points, carrying our crosses, may we come to Jesus, who repairs, renews, restores and refreshes our souls. BlogCampus MinistryDust and DewfallYoung Adult Ministry FOCUSed on Christ in Panama Father J. Collin PostonMay 25, 20175 min read When we encounter Jesus, whether on a mission trip in another country or in our ordinary, daily lives, we discover that he wants to befriend us. BlogDust and Dewfall Seeing as God sees Father J. Collin PostonMarch 29, 20172 min read Last Sunday, the “midway point” of Lent, we heard the beautiful, amazing account from the Gospel of John of the “man born blind” (John 9:1-41.) In it we see a beautiful progression of faith, not so much unlike the one of the Samaritan woman who earlier proclaimed Christ to her BlogDust and Dewfall St. Otto, pray for us (and my hyper-spastic Pomeranian puppy) Catholic ReviewOctober 24, 20163 min read As some of you may know from the recent article in the Catholic Review about priests and their pet dogs (“Four-Legged and Faithful”), I am now the proud and happy owner of a new puppy. He’s a fluffy black Pomeranian named Otto. He’s about 3 months old now, and standing 2 3