This is an archive of Father Breighner’s most recent Catholic Review commentary preceding his 2023 retirement. Father Joseph Breighner Commentary CommentaryNewsWit & Wisdom Father Janaites carried burdens for others Father Joseph BreighnerJanuary 19, 20123 min read Since the strokes in my eyes in 2002, I’ve found that tears come pretty easily. However, I needed no such excuse when I first heard that Father Stan Janaites had died on Aug. 5. I cried again as I stood at his coffin in St. Joseph’s Church in Sykesville. CommentaryWit & Wisdom When it comes to prayer, remember ACTS and ALTAR Father Joseph BreighnerSeptember 4, 20083 min read The old saying, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” is wrong. I’m learning all the time! Allow me to share two new insights about prayer. CommentaryWit & Wisdom Age gracefully, with laughter Father Joseph BreighnerAugust 16, 20074 min read My favorite definition of laughter is that it’s jogging for the intestines. CommentaryWit & Wisdom He was exceptionally normal Father Joseph BreighnerJuly 28, 20054 min read Beyond his immediate family, Johnny touched a much larger world. He consistently inspired friends and classmates. He said he just wanted to be normal, and so many people helped him to feel a part of normal life. Previous 1 … 7 8 … 8