john garvey commentary CommentaryGuest CommentaryIntellect and Virtue What’s so funny? John GarveyMay 18, 20183 min read God made us in his image and likeness, and humor subsequently became an important part of every human culture on earth. Our laughing granddaughter is only the most immediate reminder of the joy we are meant for. BlogGuest CommentaryIntellect and Virtue About praising famous men John GarveyJanuary 18, 20184 min read I wish we had a litmus test to identify the people who deserve our praise. But it won’t ever be simple. We are all sinners. Arts & CultureCommentaryGuest CommentaryIntellect and Virtue Why poetry matters John GarveyNovember 16, 20173 min read Richard Wilbur died last month. He was, Dana Gioia said, the finest poet of his generation and the greatest American Christian poet since Eliot. Campus MinistryCommentaryIntellect and Virtue Good examples of virtue John GarveyMay 15, 20174 min read Commencement speakers do communicate an important parting lesson. But the lesson is embodied in the life of the honoree. This should not be so surprising. Isn’t this how we always learn the practice of virtue? 1 2