Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you didn’t get hit by the Chinese space station.You had heard about it, right? The one that was hurtling from outer space toward Earth?
You hadn’t? Was I the only person who was watching this unfold with fascination?
Over the long weekend I had seen a report that said Maryland could be in its path—along with 12 to 15 other states. I relaxed a little when I saw Oregon on the list. If Maryland and Oregon were both possible targets, I figured we might be all right.
And, as you may have noticed, we were.
Apparently the space station burned up somewhere in the South Pacific. It doesn’t seem to have done any actual damage.
So even though it’s dreary and gray outside, and someone in my world dared to mention the word “snow” in the same sentence with “next weekend” today, we can all scratch one worry off our list.
The space station hit earth, and it didn’t hit us. That’s a good day, for sure.
In fact, you will be comforted to learn—as I did—that your chances of being hit by a piece of space debris are much, much smaller than the chance of being hit by lightning. Apparently, you have a better chance of winning the Powerball jackpot than getting hit by space debris, if you read this piece.
The good news just keeps on coming.
And that’s all without even considering the awesome joy of Easter and all that we are celebrating during this first week of the Easter season.
So smile! Make a wish on a star! Enjoy the beauty of even a gray, rainy, chilly April day! And know you may encounter some obstacles in your day, but space debris won’t likely be one of them.
(Photo by NASA)