Archbishop William E. Lori’s Charity in Truth Column
Deepening the joy of Easter
the Easter season is a time to open our hearts more widely and more gratefully to God our Father who has come to our rescue by sending us his Son who died and rose for
our salvation.
our salvation.
World will be a better place if we dispense with the discouraging word
There’s many a day I’d like to be “home on the range” so as to escape the proliferation of discouraging words that besets us.
Mother Mary Lange shows us the way
We need to be familiar with Mother Mary Lange’s story and share it with everyone, especially with young people.
Mother and Child
While we pray, hope and work for the day when the unborn will be protected by law, let us in the meantime continue to bear witness to the Gospel of Life by cherishing both child and mother.
Our response to the gift of the Eucharist
As Christmas approaches and as the pandemic seems to be easing, people are looking to get back to “normal.” Many are looking forward to Christmas parties and gift-giving. They are venturing into stores to buy gifts, or they are ordering them online, perhaps as never before.
‘Habits of the Heart’
If we are open to the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of all that Christ taught us, we will find new paths to understanding; to harmony, cooperation and unity; to co-responsibility for the Church’s mission, coupled with renewed apostolic vigor.
Archbishop Lori: Encountering Christ together through the synodal process
The word “synodality” refers to a way of going about the Church’s mission, not as partisans or isolated individuals, but rather as the People of God, joined together in Christ and listening to the Holy Spirit.
Miracle on MLK Boulevard
This school will take its rightful place among all our Catholic schools because it is destined to be a place of faith and love.
Year of the Eucharist
Whatever divisions exist among the bishops, all of us agree on the need for a comprehensive effort to revivify faith in the Eucharist in every diocese of our country.
Eucharist: Sacrament of unity
Pundits often remind us that our nation is badly divided – politically, culturally and economically. We can scarcely agree on anything, even fundamental truths and values. Nor do we hesitate to assign blame for these divisions. Anyone with an electronic device can join in the fray and many do. Few offer suggestions for healing these […]