Several global institutions are working to find ways to allocate COVID-19 vaccines in ways that are equitable and effective in stanching the acute phase of the pandemic.
God’s word is ‘a love letter to us’ to be read every day, pope says
Unable to preside over Mass on the Sunday of the Word of God because of a recurring bout of sciatica, Pope Francis’ homily was read by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, head of the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization, which coordinates the annual celebration.
Pope urges nations to create a world free from nuclear arms
Marking the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons coming into force Jan. 22, Pope Francis encouraged nations to work toward a world free from all nuclear arms.
Popes Francis, Benedict receive their first doses of COVID-19 vaccine
Both Pope Francis and retired Pope Benedict XVI have received the first dose of the vaccine against COVID-19 after the Vatican started vaccinating its employees and residents Jan. 13.
Vatican: Without alternatives, current COVID-19 vaccines are morally acceptable
The Vatican’s doctrinal office said that when alternative vaccines are not available, it is morally acceptable to receive COVID-19 vaccines developed or tested using cell lines originating from aborted fetuses.
Frankincense’s future: Ancient gift endangered, risks depletion
A study published last year in the journal, Nature Sustainability, predicted frankincense resin production will be halved in the next 20 years.
Frankincense’s future: Ancient gift endangered, risks depletion
The Gospel of Matthew never details how many Magi came from “the East,” but it makes it clear they traveled to pay homage to “the newborn king of the Jews” and “offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”
El papa planea visitar Irak en marzo
Salvo los obstáculos causados por la pandemia global, el papa Francisco está programado para comenzar nuevamente los viajes internacionales en 2021 al visitar Irak en marzo, lo que lo convertiría en el primer papa en visitar esta nación.
Cardinal Piacenza upholds ‘probable invalidity’ of confession by phone
Even though the world is facing a pandemic that may limit many people’s ability to celebrate the sacraments, particularly those people who are in isolation, quarantining or hospitalized with COVID-19, confession by phone is still most likely invalid, said Cardinal Mauro Piacenza, head of the Apostolic Penitentiary.
Pope plans to visit Iraq in March
Barring any obstacles caused by the global pandemic, Pope Francis is set to begin international travel again in 2021 by visiting Iraq in March, which would make him the first pope to visit this nation.
Zairean rite offers example for developing an Amazonian rite, pope says
The approval decades ago of a Zairean rite of the Roman Missal demonstrated that it is possible also to develop a rite for the Amazon region, Pope Francis said in a preface to a new book.
At Mass with new cardinals, pope warns against worldliness
Concelebrating Mass with newly created cardinals, Pope Francis said Advent is a time to be vigilant, hopeful and helpful.