Zombies, graves and autumnal gratitude November 1, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Saints On All Souls and All Saints, we honor not just the dead whom we love and extol as examples; we proclaim our belief that this is not the end — that from the hallowed ground of our beloved dead comes the promise of the risen Lord, the empty tomb.
The vitally important Catholic presence at the border October 17, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Immigration and Migration Bishop Flores points out that Catholic social teaching emphasizes that every human being is created in the image of God, and that at the heart of our social teaching is the need to be adaptable to the situation.
No Gospel but the whole Gospel, itself October 4, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Catholic social teaching has been described as “our best kept secret,” which is a shame, as Catholic social teaching endeavors to apply the Gospel to our life in community.
Grandma still uses cash, but updates when it’s truly necessary September 20, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Everything is connected. We are, all of us, connected, and we’re intimately connected to the natural world that is now under such duress.
Sharing the great secret: Doing good makes us happy August 4, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary Day by day, we can look for ways to be a person for others as a way of life, in our family, our neighborhood, our world.
‘Becoming our parents’ isn’t necessarily a bad thing July 8, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary I don’t want to fear diversity, or become that person who mutters, “I don’t want to get involved.”
Gun numbed: What is gun violence doing to our collective psyches? May 1, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Gun Violence In the wake of seemingly endless American gun violence and countless mass shootings, we’re numb.
O Life! O Death! O Mystery! April 17, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary, Respect Life Jesus taught us, despite his fear in the garden, how to die well — with integrity and commitment.
The mental health crisis crosses all boundaries and ages March 16, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Commentary We’re all called to love unconditionally, to be the Prodigal’s father welcoming with open arms, to open our doors to a wider perimeter.
Living my Lenten discipline through the lessons of Black History Month February 1, 2023By Effie Caldarola OSV News Filed Under: Black Catholic Ministry, Commentary, Racial Justice King’s long-ago observation rang true: The 11 o’clock hour on Sunday is the most segregated in America.