Leader dedicated to making communities safer to receive award from CCHD November 10, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Feature, News, Social Justice, World News Ivonn Rivera, a wife, mother and community leader from San Jose, California, is the winner of the Cardinal Bernardin New Leadership 2023 Award from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the U.S. Catholic bishops’ domestic anti-poverty program.
Catholic singer recalls how winning battle with shyness, relying on faith brought success October 1, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Arts & Culture, Feature, News, World News Guelmis Tavárez has a successful career in the Catholic music industry, but that success didn’t come without a fight against the extreme shyness he suffered from a young age and his reliance on his faith to evolve into the musical artist he is today.
¿Qué se espera con el fin del Título 42? May 11, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: En Español Este 11 de mayo el Título 42 llega a su fin y con él se restablece el procesamiento conforme al Título 8, una medida que promete endurecer las consecuencias para los migrantes que intenten cruzar la frontera para llegar a los Estados Unidos de manera irregular.
As Title 42 ends and Title 8 is fully reinstated, what are some of the implications for migrants? May 11, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Immigration and Migration, News, World News Processing of migrants will be fully reinstated under Title 8, a measure that experts said would stiffen the consequences for migrants who attempt to cross the border into the United States irregularly.
En la frontera de México y EE.UU., defensores de migrantes que buscan asilo hacen un llamado a la acción March 23, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: En Español Líderes religiosos, defensores de los migrantes y migrantes se dieron cita en Nogales, Sonora (México) para una conferencia de prensa en la que denunciaron ataques al derecho de asilo y se comprometieron a seguir apoyando a aquellos que atraviesan una larga espera en busca de asilo en Estados Unidos.
At U.S.-Mexico border, migrants’ advocates call for action on U.S. asylum policy March 23, 2023By Marietha Góngora V. OSV News Filed Under: Feature, Immigration and Migration, News, World News Religious leaders, migrant advocates and migrants gathered in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, for a news conference in which they denounced attacks on the right to asylum and pledged to continue supporting those who face long waits to seek asylum in the United States.