Amen: Can Big Brother make you virtuous? February 9, 2017By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Commentary A government can’t make its citizens virtuous by bribing them or threatening them with punishment.
There’s a mouse in the house—and there’s a Catholic saint who can help with that January 17, 2017By Rita Buettner Catholic Review Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, Open Window, Saints There’s a mouse in the house—and there’s a Catholic saint who can help with that
Amen: Holy Ghost Power January 10, 2017By Paul McMullen Filed Under: Amen, Amen McMullen Commentary, Commentary, Local News, News If one of the features the Review publishes in the coming year moves you or your neighbor to give even more, it will fulfill its purpose.
What are you thankful for? January 2, 2017By Catholic Review Staff Filed Under: Commentary, Video The Catholic Review traveled across the Archdiocese of Baltimore to ask parishioners, students, alumni and religious one question: What are you thankful for?
After invective, what do we do? January 2, 2017By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Behind the Headlines, Blog, Catholic Social Teaching, Commentary Now that the election is over, let’s agree to disagree and do it with civility and respect for others.
Amen: Transform young hearts into places of prayer November 29, 2016By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Commentary, Marriage & Family Life Praying with young children doesn’t have to be intimidating. There are moments throughout the day that can be turned into opportunities to teach little ones about God.
Amen: Amid change, same message November 17, 2016By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary Through all of this change, the message of the church remains the same: Jesus Christ – yesterday, today and forever, as St. John Paul II reminded us.
When I am not enough September 19, 2016By Rita Buettner Filed Under: Commentary, The Domestic Church “We are to become vessels of God’s compassionate love for others,” St. Clare of Assisi said.
Amen: Jesus misses you August 30, 2016By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Amen, Amen Matysek Commentary, Baltimore Basilica, Commentary Eucharistic adoration at the Baltimore Basilica is in trouble. See what you can do to help – and grow closer to Christ.
Charles Osgood fondly recalls Catholic Baltimore August 29, 2016By George P. Matysek Jr. Filed Under: Blog, Commentary, The Narthex “Only Sister Serena could have judged your morals and grammar at the same time,” Mr. Osgood recalled.
Amen: World Youth Day visits country steeped in our faith July 27, 2016By Christopher Gunty Filed Under: Amen, Amen Gunty Commentary, Commentary Poland is Catholic – spiritually and culturally. The faith is woven into the lives and fortunes of the people.
Amen: During the journey, don’t forget to look back July 5, 2016By Erik Zygmont Filed Under: Amen, Commentary When Olivia Bonner, Sarah Conway and Benjamin Cummins graduated June 3, they had spent 15 years – approximately 5/6 of their lives – together.